Some snapshots I found of the alternate ending to Halloween 1978. All credit goes to the legend Billy Kirkus.
Alternate ending has Michael Myers dying after he’s shot off the balcony. Loomis walks over to the balcony and the camera pans up to the trees from the shot we see of Myers on the ground. Here is that shot:
Here is a photo of the crew setting Nick Castle up for the last shot we see of him:
Here are the photos of Nick Castle dancing before running off out of frame:
Totally. I would still love to see the footage and I will pray that it will be released before I’m ready for my wooden overcoat. But seeing these screenshots has really satisfied my huge curiosity as to what these scenes look like!
Always been a bit confused by the reshot ending story. The location and lighting in those screenshots looks the same as the ending we see in the film, so isn’t this part of ‘The Shape gone’ ending with the pan up to the trees taken out in the final edit?
I could be wrong but I would have thought the original ending with The Shape dead (apparently shot days earlier and possibly with Jim Winburn) would look completely different. Maybe Billy will kindly clear up whether he has different ending footage to this.
Not too sure myself. Only Billy could clear this up for us. I wouldn’t be surprised however by the lighting being the same, as they would have replicated the same lighting they used just 3 days prior. I do recall Billy saying a few days ago that the shot is of Myers on the ground and then pans up. But if he could clarify this on this post that would be great!
This is very cool to see, and I hope some day the footage can be released. Is there any other alternate/deleted footage or images like this for other scenes?
Was there ever any footage of this released before? Or any other footage besides the Panaglide test and alternate take of Michael going up the stairs to kill his sister?
Malek Akkad has alot of photos and stuff, but the problem is that Billy’s Panaglide footage was ripped and his watermarks were blurred out in the documentary series “Movies that made us”
I’m going to be on a podcast coming up. It’s going to be almost like a documentary style podcast that explains and shows EVERYTHING plus, I plan on telling a lot of surprises of what’s in there.
Oooh, this is exciting news, Billy! will you still keep the watermarks on everything you have too? cause I honestly think it’s great to keep, not to have it be hard to duplicate, but because I like the aesthetic of the way you’ve watermarked it