Yeah I think it’s safe to call it case closed. There will always be people who own different brands arguing but this is as close as it gets. And all that matters is people have pairs they’re happy with anyway!

A friend of mine is going to make the alteration on the pocket flap to make it square. Otherwise this pair I have is almost spot on.

Congratulations, YOU have found them…they look great too. MIGHT would do 1 dye bath with black to darken them up but leaving the green to pop through…anyways. A huge huge congrats. Will be looking myself. No one run me up on any 48 Rs. Lol.

All hail Michael Myers 1978!


they’re a definite green


it’s a separate piece and sewn to the same width as the pocket


Those comparison shots just speak for themselves.
Hands down these are the ones. I honestly wouldn’t even care if there is no Hammer Loop (It’s difficult to see if it the screen used coveralls even had one) Everything else is enough to call dibs! IMO lmao.
Huge congrats to Michael Myers 1978 for owning these, the irony-with that username haha.
Like I said before, we gotta keep us in the loop for sure on finding these. TBH who knows how many are out there…clearly not a whole lot if it has taken us this long to find them. They’ll pop up every once in awhile though, I know it.

Funny enough, the guy who sold these on ebay got them at a freaking GARAGE SALE. Incredible. Congrats again!

Oh you know I’m working on it buddy. His comparison shots and all! Just haven’t got a minute to sit down and work that out with work/my H4 project.

A Garage sale, of all places lol. The big question is what happened to the real ones, because no one knows. Surprised they didn’t use them for Halloween II for continuity. They probably just borrowed them off somebody, they were already weathered.

I think it’s safe to say that the definitive thread needs an update ;^)

I know exactly how you feel. I’m going to alter the pocket on my spruce green Big Macs as well & would also like to know the dimensions. But, I’ll leave the replica thing to you - I don’t have the patience for that, heheh. Cheers to you for wanting to do that for the community - I’m sure you’ll make a lot of folks happy here :drinkers:

Thanks for the congrats again ya’ll! I honestly still can’t believe that I own these :open_mouth:, If only we could locate or know what actually happened to the original pair :confused: Also to answer a couple questions, these definitely are a spruce green type color although the tags didn’t indicate it and the chest pocket flap measures 2 inches if any of ya’ll want a try at altering the chest pocket on your own pair. I was also unaware to where the guy who sold these to me got them and I’m pretty surprised, thanks for that knowledge TheGhostlyShape.


this is gonna be great, because I was gonna try replicate my Big Macs earlier this year

Right?! Fucking crazy. We might know eventually, we’ll see :wink:. When you think about it… they used sears for H2. Maybe this WAS their idea of continuity because they knew that’s what was used in the first film?

VERY safe to say that :wink:. Coming soon!

Yeah, you lucky bastard! :laughing: yeah I was floored when he said he got them at a garage sale.

The original pair was probably borrowed, but I’ve reached out to a few people who may have them or know if/where they were borrowed from. More to come on that!

I think these “grey” definitely are the right color, but that they just appear a green. Again congrats!

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