Hey everybody and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! While searching for a pair of H2 Sears coveralls on eBay a while back, I stumbled across this what could be late 50s to 60s NOS Sears Long Sleeve One Piece Work Suit:
At first I thought nothing of them. It wasn’t until a couple weeks later they were still there and I had another look at them. I realized something strange I didn’t realize the first time, which was the collar closure. At second glance I realized that it has a jean closure instead of the usual snap closure:
Now fast forward to today and I finally got them in the mail. I think I may have finally found the exact type of H1 coveralls, if not it’s a very very close match:
They seem to have a match on almost all the details of the screen used pair except for the collar closure being off by a bit, other than that they seem to be a match:
The neck closure which is off by a bit, it could be manufacturing variations:
The square pocket has the correct type of stitching:
Pleated Back and Elastic Waist:
Seamless Back:
After wearing them I realized they’re slightly a bit baggy for me. Something I also realized is that the screen used pair is could possibly be a Tall size. Compared to any regular sized coveralls I owned, they’re all slightly short in the arms and don’t quite sit like how they looked on Castle.

Although this is a bold statement, I fully believe these are the same coveralls style and brand. In my eyes charcoal gray is also what I feel is the right color as well although these came in a spruce green and make me believe they could be that color instead. These also seem really rare since every other Sears coveralls I’ve seen have the usual H2 characteristics, so this could possibly be a one off pair. I’ll try to see if I cant post better and more pictures within the next few days. What do you guys think? Do you think we may have finally found the exact type of H1 coveralls?

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Pretty darn close man! Who knows, maybe they are the actual coveralls used in H1. I would agree that the H1 coeveralls appear to be charcoal gray rather than green.

I Fucking knew they were sears. I Fucking knew it.

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You know, so many different brands have been brought up over the years as being THE brand used in H1, and honestly, it just makes me think…surely it has to be one of them. How many brands of coveralls could there have possibly been available back in 1978? In other words, in some way, I believe the actual screen used brand has been right under our noses all along, and we just never knew it.

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For years I’ve said it had to be an off year of sears. Almost no other company came close to the pocket construction of the hero pair. I’m in utter shock right now. I hope OP wouldn’t mind sending them my way in exchange for a wad of cash :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Very cool discovery! I have some modded Big Macs and very close Montgomery Ward’s that just arrived today.
I have a few h2 style Roebuck’s as well, but I will have to keep an eye open for this style. Thanks for sharing!

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There we have it, the 78 Coveralls brand has been found!! plus they way they fit on you, are pretty much a match, hard to believe that 40 years later, we see the hero mask, get a new movie and found the 78 coveralls brand (and the correct colour imo)



Fucking fuck man, you found them.

Holy shit! No fucking way man, all this time we have been arguing about brands but we finally got it! Hell yeah man! Virtual high fives to you!

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Button on yours looks like it was just sloppy manufacturing, like it should have been in the Castle position to button correctly.

40 year mystery = solved.

Forget the candy, this right here is the real Halloween treat!

I really think the H1 coveralls mystery is solved!

However in this picture I attached the lower corners of the pocket seem to be straight and not curved. However it could be how they look in the picture and not how they really are.

If you look very closely at the bottom of the pocket on the right side where the match is off on his pair it looks like It has been slightly damaged almost as if someone who was wearing them chest scraped against something and cause the stitching to come up some and cause some fraying and giving it that false mismatch look.

I do believe in fact after looking at the photos of your coveralls and them being an almost 100% match and the era they came from that these are the exact pair just like the hero ones. I am also a firm believer in that the Hero pair of coveralls were charcoal.

What a lot of people aren’t realizing and what is causing so many people to say they are a shade of blue or green is that to make the actual color “Charcoal” certain shades of green and blues are are needed amongst a few other colors in the mix to complete the process of forming the exact color charcoal. This would make it to where the actual coveralls used in the movie would change to those particular shades of greens and blues in certain lighting and shots. If you look at any pictures of the coveralls or just watch the film you will notice that the coveralls pretty much always fit the charcoal color match in any natural lighting where the dominant color would show itself the most.

Either way I’m done carrying on, amazing score my friend I would never let go of those!


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A golden era to be a Myers fan!!!

Been saying they probably weren’t BMs for almost a decade…Got laughed and get the finger pointed at

I’m right there with you Kaizu I’ve never ever thought they were BM’s.

Same here

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Yea I’m still on the fence about them, but I remember hearing that TLW said they were a dingy old green color or something along those lines.

I don’t think I’ll be parting with these anytime soon. :laughing:

Nice score, Montgomery Wards also seem to be a close match as well, but it’ll likely never be known what the actual brand was.

Thanks man!

Yea that’s what I was thinking aswell.

That is awesome brother! The side view makes me feel even more confident that these are the coveralls used in the film. Closest match I’ve seen for sure and they fit you perfectly. Excellent score man!