I’ve always wondered if the mask described in the original Novelization was describing an actual mask that was available at the time or if it was just made up?
Anybody have any ideas what it could have been.
I’ve always wondered if the mask described in the original Novelization was describing an actual mask that was available at the time or if it was just made up?
Anybody have any ideas what it could have been.
Yeah, I never understood the novel’s mask description. The first time I read it, I was just sitting there thinking to myself, “what? That’s not what the mask looks like at all”, with the, what was it, “purple lips”, or something to that effect? In my mind, it was because the writer may have described the mask as he saw it. Considering this novel came out at a time before Halloween 1978 was even available for purchase, and before you could just puIl up a great shot of the mask on the internet, which didn’t even exist yet, I imagine he had seen the movie some time before writing the novel, and was just sitting there while writing it, trying to remember what the mask looked like in his memory, if that makes sense.
I remember him. saying the mask had a blue zig zag on the cheek!
Yeah man, either he had a terrible memory, or he was talking about a whole other mask
I remember that passage very well.
Back then a lot of times writers aren’t shown the film and are often given just a script or a rough draft to work on and have to use their imagination.
At the time there were no clear shots of the mask so when I read the book back in the day, I believed it.lol
I recall the mask being described as a pale white face, purple sunken eyes, dark red lips and black “sewed on” hair. In all honesty, it might look cool if done right. I did talk to JC in length about it last year and he was thinking about doing one to see how it would turn out and if anyone might be interested in it, but knowing how busy he is, I’m sure it’s been long for gotten.
Hey all,
I remember there being long time speculation that John Carpenter wrote the novelization, based on he and Debra’s screenplay. The pen name of Curtis Richards may even point to it.
I know this is an old thread, but I’ve been listening to someone read the novelization of Halloween. I made an attempt to draw what I think the mask would look like. I may redraw this, but here’s my take on that!