John Carpenter added it to “spice” the movie up with some gore, because he thought Rosenthal’s cut too “tame”.
Let’s also not forget he had the mask for decades… Fans have tackled the question in the past, from looking at the hairline, the eyecuts, the smudge on the nose… It’s the same “hero” mask.
Oh but it’s asked lol.
There was only one “Hero” mask.
Back in '77-'78 when they were filming, it wasn’t exactly yet a classic. They were just a bunch of kids fresh out of USC shooting a low budget movie.
Not if the mask was a cheap Don Post Kirk mask that they bought for a couple bucks.
Hey, I’m just speculating based on the way a typical movie is made but your claims make it sound like you were the costumer for Halloween II on the set!
Which one is the “hero” mask? The one where he’s walking around? I suppose a secondary stunt mask was used when he walked through the glass door?
Would they risk damaging the “hero” mask during that stunt?
What I’m trying to suggest is that it would be difficult to tell the different versions apart from one another as many of the shots of Michael are in harsh shadows and dim lighting. The John Carpenter-shot footage was filmed several months after the initial filming. Did they happen to grab the same mask for those shots? Maybe? Maybe not? There’s no absolute proof what mask you’re actually seeing from shot to shot.
Most of the facts are just based on people’s 25 year old memories who worked on the film. Even in 1981 when they filmed Halloween II, fans or costumers weren’t obsessing about the mask like the way they do today.
No problem. I wasn’t taking a jab at you or anything- sorry if I came off that way.
The hero mask is the one used for closeups etc. I’m not sure what they used for the glass door scene but I’m inclined to think it’s the hero given the shape of the eyecuts…
You have to remember even by then Halloween wasn’t the franchise it is today. It’s just another Kirk mask modified to them. At best it would flub a minor continuity error. Plus, I don’t think safety glass would be too much of a risk to the mask or the stuntman, but that’s my speculation.
I’d be hard pressed to think that they converted another kirk that looked like the Hero mask, seeing as Tommy Lee Wallace’s other attempts weren’t exactly close to matching the eyecuts of the hero. Also, if I remember correctly, Debrah Hill and John Carpenter kept the mask (under the bed, but I don’t know if it’s an anecdote or not)… It wasn’t exactly a holy grail.
If you dig through the search or whatnot, I remember several people comparing minutiae of the H1 and H2 mask, from stray hair on the sideburns, the waves of the hairline, the angle and the contours of the eye-cuts etc. and concluded that the "hero’ mask from H2 was the same “hero” from H1.
You know, I’ve always wondered why Michael killed the girl in the beginning as well. I mean she wasn’t doing anything to set him that made him have to kill her. I guess I just figured that it was one of those things that gets put into a horror movie, someone dying for no reason at all. Basically they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
To me, Michael knew he had to get off of the streets to hide from the police.
He killed the girl so he could lay low in that house for awhile.
Straight from Don Post and Rob Tharp at Don Post Studios…
Went down stairs and asked Rob Tharp how many Myers masks HE made for the movie Halloween II. Rob recalls three Myers masks and two Ben Tramer (light blue with blond hair) masks produced.
It’s all very interesting, I too used to believe they were 2 different masks, but now concede that it’s the same mask. I heard the “Debra Hill kept the mask under her bed unprotected and was a smoker” story too. Seems reasonable to me. Plus the different head size/shape between Castle and Warlock makes sense. I also believe they had more that a couple of masks for part 2, but the main mask was the same from part 1.
I have a don post mask I bought from Sears in 1985 and it looks totally different now than the day I bought it.
The only true statement was she kept it under her bed in a shoe box. Debra Hill did not smoke. The paint will tend to turn to yellow after the scelent in the paint brakes down, much like mask rust.
My take?
Well He would of been angry…the guy just been shot! lol, He may of been covering his tracks by stopping the girl possibly calling the police. And he may needed a ‘safe house’
With the mask?
I know in H1 at least two masks are seen on film. The hero and the ‘stunt’ mask used when his mask is ripped off and he puts it back on.
In H2. I think it was the same mask. However theres a site (Michaelsbasement-I think) link anyone? …where someone claim (with some sweet pictures) to own a 75 kirk used a stunt mask in H2. who he was given by JC himself-Correct me if im wrong.