Halloween 2018 coveralls

I have been looking for the workrite charcoal grey ultra soft work coveralls they used in the move, does anyone know anywhere to get them, or are they sold out everywhere?

the worksite site still has them I think

I ordered a pair from legion safety. It took a while to ship but I got them and they are awesome!

are these the right coveralls? https://www.legionsafety.com/workrite-9.5-oz-ultra-soft-fr-work-coverall-131ut95.html

Yes those are the exact ones! I also bought mine from that site and they are fantastic :slight_smile:

Just put my order in also!

Thanks for the help guys.

Did you get charcoal grey?? It only shows 3 colors

The image only shows 3 colors but from the options you can select to order the charcoal.

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Thanks shape! I thought maybe the 3 colors they show was the only ones that were in stock

No problem bud! Tripped me up at first :laughing:

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Yeah I got charcoal grey. Mine are 46 L

does anyone know the exact size James Jude Courtney wore for the move?

Not the exact size, no. He wore a “long” but as far as chest size that’s anyones best guess. As far as analyzng photos of him goes, my best guess would be a 46 or 48 L?

How long did they take to ship??

I’m 6"1 and 205 and I wear a 48L. James would be at least a 50L I would think…


46 or 48L is a total guess on my part :laughing:

is there anywhere else you can get the coveralls? I live in the UK and the quote I was just given by legionsafety says that it would cost $186.75 in total for the coveralls and shipping.

is there anyone here from the UK who has the workrite coveralls? and if there is then could you tell me where you got them from?

Hi I’ve got the Workrite coveralls and got them from legion safety at around the same price you have been quoted don’t forget you will also have to pay custom charges mine were around the £30 mark.
The price we pay for screen accuracy I’m afraid.

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