Halloween 2018 Ending

What Do You Guys Think About The Ending? How Did Michael Escape?

I think it’s meant to be ambiguous, like the ending of H1. We do not know exactly, he’s just the Boogeyman, and that’s all you need to know :slight_smile:

Well it’s Michael. Guy can punch through wooden doors. Keep ib mind we saw a giant shotgun blast rip apart the floor boards prior to it all and he was not on the stairs.

My issue is more about what they had in the original script and the fact they mutilated him in this film. Humanized him a bit too much. We never saw much damage to him in H1. But now he had his left hand blown apart save for a few fingers. A bullet in the face by Karen. Bullet in the shoulder by Laurie etc. If a hanger poke had blinded him for 40 years where’s he going to recover from the rest. The original script had him go to the mannequins and feel his wounds and pass out near a tree or something.

We won’t know for sure until they write it into the next script. We didn’t see him burn like we did in H2 at least so they won’t have to explain him rising from the dead again

Someone said something about there being an escape hatch in the basement. That, or Michael could have gone through the roof. It probably caved in before anything else. Also, there was a shitload of supplies/food in the basement. I feel like Michael is gonna hide in her basement for a year maybe. Everyone will think he burned and Laurie will be like “There was no body recovered!” And he’ll come back with nobody expecting it.

I mean Michael is able to lift gravestones. Look at what he did in the bathroom. Break or punch through wooden doors. If H20 was canon he can one hand himself down pipes. We saw a Laurie blast at least a 10" hole out of the floor before it. We see Michael overturn her massive counter top etc. Is it hard to think the guy stood on a stool, broke some more planks in her old floorboards near the hole and got out?

I think Laurie had an escape hatch down there incase she was the one who got trapped

Fireproof rifle locker…