Here’s my Michael Myers bust i just finished recently with my personal copy of tots mask i repainted couple weeks ago. Really love this piece and i hope you guys love it too. I once wanted to put eye appliance in it but this particular mask looks better with black eyes at least in my opinion
Very nice! I agree on the black eyes, you don’t need to see Michael’s eyes.
I prefer it when you cant see his eyes anyway ! Whats the mask mounted on it looks smaller than a normal bust ?
It’s a tots H40 mask i rehauled by myself couple weeks ago. The head on this bust actually a lot smaller than the mask, i need to stuff it a lot to get it fit right
Thanks all for the kind replies
This is amazing! The paint work is spot on. Would kill to get my hands on this!
You did an excellent job. I love it.
What kind of bust is this? Looking to get one like that.
Nice piece
It’s really nothing special about the under bust, it’s just cheap $3 plastic faceless mannequin that i bought locally like this. Need a lot of stuffing on the head to fill the mask tho
Thank you very much, appreciated it
Thanks all for the replies
great job!!
Exactly what I’m wanting. I’ll look around for it. Thank you!