The closest I’ve seen is what SSN uses. I’ve looked around everywhere at craft stores (when I was redoing those Wally World Witches) and nothing else comes close.
I’ve never found a similar material where I live. My DP Witch hood is black. I believe it appeared blue because of Dean Cundey’s blue light. I think it is faux fur and it is very, very short.
Tyler what you have is a black Plush hood witch…
they also made a Hagatha with a hood color greenish/blue/purple
The masks in the movie were the greenish color
Also. I recently noticed that the witches in this pic were mostly painted a flat green with yellow/orange highlights only around the nose, cheekbones, and chin. they also appear that way on both billy and jon’s copy.
that’s the biggest flaw with most replicas these days. most are painted gloss green with yellow highlights all around.
Ah okay. I knew his was original but I thought maybe the hood wasn’t due to him asking where to find an accurate one. I understand now, my blunda, fellas!
If you can’t find the exact color, it’s worth picking up the yellow and RIT dying it navy blue. That should give it a nice green color. May take dying it twice to really bring it out.
I have 2 shades of green faux fur and 1 black faux fur… i bought each set in table size can’t remember the actual size i have to measure again lol. i have them stored away i bought them a year or so ago. they like and feel like the H3 and DP hoods. i tried to match them up as close as i could and i think i have it…