***Halloween 3D News***

As I mentioned in my very first post on Halloween 3, and was subsiquently told I was wrong, the film HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK from an August release to an official October 2010 release. No specific date has been set, but it’ll happen in October I’m told.

Also, get ready for major changes again. Word is, this film will be all new.

Now, flame away, I’ll be back later on in this thread to correct the naysayers in regards to my info because they’ll undoubtedly tell me I’m wrong and have it backwards again and blah, blah, blah…

is there any details that it’s continuing from RZ H2, is it a sequal to Resurrection, or is a a brand new remake?
Either way im already excited to see this new halloween :mrgreen:

I’m not going to say too much right now, but it’s looking like VERY LITTLE, or even possibly next to nothing to do with anything Zombie related. And no, nothing Resurrection related either.

Thanks for the update.

I’m glad it is being pushed back until October when Halloween movies SHOULD come out in the first place!

Very curious to what direction this will take, totally new original storyline or some tie-in to the events from the original Halloween II.

Hey show,

Thanks for the update!

I wonder who will make
the mask!

-Big D


Great question brother, when I find out, I will definitely post that info. It’s one of the things I’m looking most forward to finding out about this movie.

Now, on to some OTHER non H3D related news, but still keeping with TWC theme. They’ve decided to fork out BIG BUCKS and resigned Neve Campbell for Scream 4. She’s in, and Craven is also about 95% in on this as well. I was told, and I quote, “…they did it as a way to hopefully boost major revenues for the company” Which makes perfect sense considering the financial peril that they’re in right now. So, you go back and resign everyone from your biggest brand in Dimension history. Smart move, now let’s hope Williamson can deliver one hell of a script that can garner the interest they’d need for a big opening weekend.

Also in TWC updates, I’m being told that H3D isn’t the only film getting the 3D treatment. Hellraiser is being shifted to a 3D reboot as well, which to me is a GENIUS idea. That movie can REALLY benefit from a 3D makeover, the effects and nature of the film are perfect for 3D.

Now, with the good always comes the bad. Dimension is also in the pre-stages of remaking An American Werewolf In London, which is the worst news I’ve heard film-wise all week. Halloween is the Casablanca of Horror films, they should’ve left THAT alone too, but as far as Werewolf movies go, AAWIL is the Officer and a Gentleman of that sub genre and should be left alone as well. We all know Dimension CAN NOT make a decent Werewolf movie, need an example? One word, Cursed.

The O N L Y way I’d even consider seeing a remake to AAWIL, is if Rick Baker and his FX team are involved and there is zero, I repeat Z E R O CGI in the movie. We all saw An American Werewolf In Paris, those CGI wolves looked worse than a 1960’s Tom and Jerry cartoon. No CGI.

Okay, enough about the other films, back on track!

Thanks for the update! hopefully it will be better made then the past 2.

it wont.

Oh I think it will…


I doubt a movie that is being hurriedly slapped together around a 3D gimmick will be “better” than an honest attempt at telling a new and compelling story.

Everyone has their opinion, and I respect yours. While I’ll agree that this new Halloween seems to be getting the “rush” job, I disagree with Zombie’s film being a new & compelling story.
His H2 was a rehash of so many other horror flicks, as he took bits & pieces from other films. And the funny part is he tried to sell it as being fresh and inventive. It’s as though his ambitions were too big and the film ended up a trainwreck.
I’m actually looking forward to H3D or whatever it’s going to be called. The further Rob Zombie is in the rearview mirror, the better.


I still am baffled how everyone accepts the sequels, their goofy masks and goofy myers, but dispises these last two with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

i hope we get a new mask :slight_smile:

hey hey nothing wrong with 30 extra boobs!!!

Though i agree…dumbing stuff down for the Teenage audience is ruining everything. Also the best way I could write him getting a new mask is have the movie take place a year later and people now sell the Mask based on him…

Honestly, the only reason I’m excited about the new movie is to see a new mask :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, its directed by,Patrick Lussier and it’s going to be his vision entierly. Nothing to do with John Carpenter and nothing to Do with Rob Zombie, I read it on what im pretty sure was Either Dimension’s web site or his blog

an october release sounds promising anyway.

**New mask!

New movie!


-Big D**

well if its partick’s vision than wouldn’t that mean its a sequal to one of the movies?

i am all for an october release date and a new film. as long as we get to see michael again. i could do without the 3-D but i will give it a shot because i rather enjoyed my bloody valentine 3-D. scream 4 sounds cool as well if everybody comes back