Halloween 6 mask. Just finished the repaint on it

Well I got this Halloween 6 mask in yesterday and I was shocked when I pulled it out of the box. Someone had done a horrid repaint on it and the hair was in incredibly bad shape. I did what I could with the hair and stripped it down last night to repaint it. I just finished the repaint. It looks much better now. I am still not sure who made the mask although I have been told it may be a Tommy6 mask. It’s a nice pull, and it has really good features. Here is the mask now that I have finished reworking it.

the paint job looks amazing
nice job on re-furbishing it lol
the hair still needs some work but looks good
do you have any before pictures ?


Great job!!! :smiley: :open_mouth:

Great work, Ron. I really like the look you’ve given it. :sunglasses:

Is this one of Tommy’s H6 masks?

That is what told, I am still trying to figure out for sure who made it

Dayum Ronnie! Wonderful job.

thats one i did .it looked like the guy who had it did not take care of it or repainted it or somthin.i know i did it because of the hair.glad to see it looking good again.you did a great job…tommy

thanks Tommy I may have to get it rehaired at some point but it’s okay for now. Nice to be able to rescue a nice mask and bring it back from the dead

Not too shabby! This h6 is growing on me. Especially after seeing copies like this.

damn Ron! paint looks good, you sure you still need me to paint/hair your H4? LOL

the hair on this kinda has a perm thing going on with it! :smiley:

It’s gonna take more than a perm to fix that hair. It looks a lot better than it did I assure you

Love. It. :rock:

Looks very good and I would love to see before pics as well if you have them.

I wish I had taken some. I posted some pictures that the guy I bought it from had sent me but I think they were old because the mask I got was in much worse condition than the pictures he sent me portrayed

Looks great!

Haven’t seen the before pic but that looks great Ron :rock:

Nice job Ron!

In this picture the color is better depicted. A medium gray look. The hair is combed back to hide the bald spots from the hair falling out. I had to do some craetive hair implant surgery on it. The picture looks better than the real thing did. The color of the hair in the photos shows an auburn red color but my mask has brown hair. Bad bad shape. I was sad to see a mask that I knew looked good underneath, looking so bad on the outside. I’ll get it back to looking good.

Damn that’s a little too grey :astonished:

AMAZING!!! simply amazing re-paint, that H6 looks excellent.