Ok so i just got finished watching Halloween 5 and something caught my eye that may have already been spoken of…anyways the scene where Loomis is pacing back in forth in the hallway of michaels house when they are waiting for him to show up to get Jamie…anyways the part that caught my attention was how on the wall they strategically placed the “symbol” that was on michael’s arm i’m guessing its called the thorned symbol. Just a halloween 6 plug in my eyes haha if you havent noticed it pick up halloween 5 and go to the scene where they are in michaels house, the symbol is only shown for like 1.5 seconds. Anybody else ever notice this? Later guys
Yup, i noticed that too. I really what wonder the film-maker’s were thinking when they did 5. They surely did not have the idea of 6 in their heads yet - I remember seeing an interview with Shanks and he said that when they originally shot the beginning, there was some other punk-rock kid that picked him up out of the water, and HE was the one who gave him that THORN tattoo. But then they re-shot it with the old guy, the rest of the Thorn stuff wouldn’t make any sense…
Silly, actually…
If I’m not mistaken, the man in black was originally going to be Michael’s twin brother. I remember watching a documentary that was included in one of the earlier Anchor Bay DVD releases with both the director and the writer, and they both confirmed this and also said they really had no idea where they were even going with that part of the storyline. Watching Halloween 5, you can kind of get that feeling. I feel it was way too rushed after Halloween 4. It was released a year after Halloween 4, and then it was another six years until Halloween 6. It was kind of just like, well… where do we go from here?
seen it clear as daylight. lol thats pretty awesome.
yea i just thought it was pretty funny how they plugged 6 before they even knew where they were going with it…can anybody say RUSHED haha
yeah, i saw that too on the halloween 5 dvd, making of. it also shows the original ending doesn’t it? that they decided not to use
Actually the man in black has that symbol tattooed on his wrist when they show him in Michaels abandon house when loomis is in there midway in the movie, then we see the symbol again on the wall towards the end with Dr. loomis.
umm…you see the symbol at the very beginning of the movie on michaels wrist. its a big part of the movie.
Forgot about that part as well.
How is it a “plug”? They show the Thorn tattoo on Michael’s arm earlier in the movie…
i consider it a plug throughout the movie, i know they show it many times during the movie i just didnt know if anybody noticed this particular case of the symbol being shown