Which mask was the best in h20?
Probably the H6 one in the beginning. Not sure why they didn’t keep that one.
^This absolutely^
I like the one seen most, the Winston mask.
The knb mask is by far my favorite.
I do for sure have a strange love for the knb but the H6 gets my vote of which one they should’ve stuck with. I wanna score an ssn knb someday.
H6 recast is my favorite, though if they just had the eye cuts a bit smaller on the Winston I would like it a lot more
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Based off of what we saw in the movie already i would say the H6. But if they were to have redone lighting i would hands doen picked the winston. That mask has a great kirk like sculpt but it needed the eyes to be covered in darkness and hair to be matted down.
I prefer the H6 over the mask used for the majority of the film, however, I really would love to see the Winston mask with '78 style eye cuts and hairline.
Would totally change the look of that mask.
Could be done a million times better than this,but a quick mock up to illustrate my thought, the hair would look way better done by an artist but the mask could have been so much better if they had tried to make it look like the OG with the finishing. The sculpt was/is great.
nitroangus23 I totally agree the winston was the closest mask at the time to the kirk appearance, it just needed a few minor tweaks to set that original vibe especially with JLC’s return. Those shots prove it! Liked the sculpt, but was never a fan of the hair styly they went with.
The H6 one followed by the Winston one. The KNB mask is easily the worst in the franchise. The Winston one would have looked so much better if the eyes were blacked out or shot to look that way (same with the Resurrection mask).
I always thought the H6 mask in the beginning (the best part of the movie in my opinion) gave them a good out if they ever wanted to do a sequel (or tie the series together with 4-6) in that the opening could have been the real Shape/Michael and the one in California could have been an imposter/copycat.
The hair really is what throws off the Winston for me, hair line is too high and his hair is way too neat and clean looking.
Looks like he just came out of a salon lol.I agree they show him in the light way too much as well.
Winston for sure!
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