Would You Like a Halloween Holiday Section Opened Up On These Forums?
I just thought I’d make a poll to make it known to the moderators and to Derek (where the power ultimately rests) that there are many people here who feel that we need a new section to these forums opened. This sections would be strictly seasonal and would be dedicated to Fall and the actual Halloween holiday. It can be used for members to share costume ideas, decorating tips, and everything relating to the holiday. If you feel to the same way I do, please voice your opinion here and maybe we can have this done.
It sort of detracts from the actual theme of this site BUT it could work. Halloween is all things spooky and fun and for some of us who are Pagan it is also an important holiday and feast. Sounds great!
Yes! I think that’s a great idea! I could see more of our wives or girlfriends(or our wives AND our girlfriends…j/k) gettin’ involved with that kind of forum as well Cool idea man
Jay Muzz
I would very much enjoy a forum like that. Some guys come here strictly for Myers, but I’m just a fan of the holiday (and movie of course).
If D, or any of the Mods don’t want another forum for whatever reason, remember after RZH2 is realeased, after about a month or so, we really won’t need it anymore.
But even the Freddy, Jason, etc forum can be slow at times. I’d hate to see a new forum with only 5 guys posting 3 months out of the year.
Now I’m just rambling. I’m for it.