Rosenthal has already discussed how they shot a scene where The Shape accidentally brushes against a toy that starts playing cymbals, leading to him hiding from Karen who comes in to investigate. The footage has never surfaced but I believe the photo below maybe the only one online (courtesy of the Herrick Library) that shows the room where this scene took place, and even shows what I believe to be part of the toy behind Warlock, which looks like a ‘Jolly Chimp’ as you can see from the comparison photo (not confirmed but certainly looks like it to me). I also wonder if the mask behind the bed is the one The Shape crumples and tosses away as per the shooting script?
This scene would have slotted in just after The Shape walks out of the nursery and across the corridor. We do actually see the other end of the scene in the TV cut, when The Shape moves out of his hiding spot (which is the doorway in the photo) to spy on Karen and Jimmy.
Interesting to note that the source credits the child as Kyle Richards, but unless my eyes are failing me it just can’t be?
Now that is cool! Thanks for sharing this. Love hearing about lost footage, photos, etc. from the original 2 films. So you’re saying this scene occurred right after Karen gets disciplined by the other nurse for leaving her post?
Yes, I’m sure it has to be sometime after Mrs Alves leaves Karen (she was supposed to head off to accost the news crew that could be heard arriving) and before Jimmy shows up. Granted that’s not a lot of time for the scene to have occured but I can’t see where else it could have slotted in, and The Shape leaves this area completely after this scene, never to return.