Halloween Kills Rehaul (Stunt)

Here’s my Halloween Kills mask rehauled by me! Its based off of the stunt mask worn by Douglas Tait, so its got some noticable differences. It took a long while to plan it out but here it is. The pictures I took don’t really capture how it really looks as they’re much more vivid for some reason, so I’ll look into taking more with a digital camera I have that will be higher quality. If you have any questions about the process, lemme know!

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Jesus Christ! I love it!, the cracks look amazing and you got the tricky ass base color perfectly. And that char on the neck and with the rubber dust on the face looks beautiful. Awesome job friend. :clap::ok_hand:

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Thanks a lot man! You and @Icedgxe helped so much more than you probably realize. I’ll try getting better pictures to share too. After this, I’m gonna do an Ends mask, so stay tuned!


Can’t wait love your kills and your 2018 mask

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Nice work! I really like how you’ve incorporated black into your design. Too many people afraid of adding darks/shades into their repertoire.

That turned out great! Your hard worked definitely paid off!

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Thanks man! You helped a good ton too

I’m having trouble painting the base color on my new 2018 mask how do you get the right color and keep it from peeling?

To achieve the best results, start by thoroughly cleaning the surface and allowing it to air dry completely. Once dry, carefully tape off the hairline to protect that area. Next, stuff the mask from the inside to maintain its shape during painting. Finally, apply a coat of canned spray paint to the mask for a vibrant finish!

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I’ve never had a peeling problem on my H40, but it could be wise to mix some liquid latex in with the paint? I’ve never done it before personally. Be sure you’re not laying the paint on too heavy as it’ll make it thicker and more prone to severe peels, instead lightly build it all up with various dry brush runs with your off white of choice. You could also just use some tacky glue or latex glue to fix the peels, and make sure to seal every layer with clear Plasti Dip

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I mixed the paint with my liquid latex and it made it peel worse and I had to peel it all off

Dang, good thing I didn’t use it ever! So now you know, just dry brush the white in thin layers that shows the cracks and damage, and seal maybe every 2 layers or so. It’s also ok to lightly go over the cracks because one, you can always go back over them and two, they’re really not as vivid on screen as you think. Another note for the Plasti Dip if you choose to use it, don’t apply it super heavily and keep at least a foot or so distance, because it can darken it just a bit (not if you stay roughly over a foot away though)

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I think it was the type of liquid latex and how I mixed it the best option for latex paint is to just buy it premade I learned the hard way. Also I Unfortunately don’t have an airbrush

No no man, dry brushing is using just a regular paint brush! You use just a bit of paint and slowly build up the layers manually, which is a bit tedious but its how Christopher Nelson did it. It also gives a more gritty look just like the films. Make sure to actually use a smaller paint brush though, because it again lets the damage show better. And a tip, don’t just dip the brush in the paint and start going at it, wipe some away on a paper towel or something so you can start out softer and again build it up, it’ll look better

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Oh I get what you mean now I thought you meant the tool. I will do that, also did you put the brown black mix on first?

All good! Yea, I start out with my base wash of basically black, but do whatever dark color you want. I use straight black shoe polish, but I’m sure a mix of paint and water would work fine as others do that primarily. Make that your first step, I know my list said the white first but its pretty unnecessary

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Thank you for being so helpful I appreciate it

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No problem! Keep asking anything you need to know

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Your advice is gonna really help a lot😄

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