Trying to put together a Halloween oddball masks list. Feel like I’m forgetting one or some. Please mention any I have not listed.
Young Myers clown H1
Ghost Bob/Myers Sheet Ghost H1**
Ben Tramer H2
Halloween 3 trio
Bandage H4**
Jamie clown? H4
Brute H5
Cesar merry clown H8
Young Myers clown RZ 2007
Escape mask RZ 2007
*blood tears H2
*burned victim Myers H2
*pink and blonde H4
*vincent drug store H4 uncut Kirk eyes
*knb H20
*burned victim H8
*Dream sequence Bloody RZH2
*Half mask/torn mask RZH2
Emmett Kelly (never made an appearance, there is also still debate over this being the clown mask that could have been the Myers mask)
Maybe the h2 stunt mask? You know the one with the crazy looking bloodtears. Another one could be the drug store h4 mask witht the uncut kirk eyes but thats up to you.
I was more thinking along the lines of non Kirk/myers mask from the movies. Like just the random masks from the movies. I will add those to the list though. Thanks for the input!
I have that one listed at the bottom already as pink and blonde but thanks!
Cool list. I think you’ve covered them all, with the uncut 75 Kirk being my personal favorite. Definitely the most “we will make due” moment of the franchise besides the CGI H20 mask.
Thanks for the input! I’ll add to the list. Although honestly imo the rzh2 half mask wouldn’t count as it’s just the deterioration of the mask itself. Then again i guess technically the burned victim of h2 and resurrection could fall into that category as well.