Halloween Res. Mask

Watching Resurrection now to pass the work day, and just admiring the mask, movie is crap but the mask is pretty sweet. Only complaint is the carrot shag like hair they put on the mask, so curious if anyone has done a hair rehaul with the style of the original H1 mask style hair? I plan on doing this one I get a few masks in but curious if anyone else has ever down this to see how it would look.

Yeah, I love the look of Myers in resurrection, in fact, Myers was pretty okay in the movie. Everything else though, I can’t say the same… :frowning:

Always loved the way the mask looks in the scene where Michael stares at Busta Rhymes while he’s dressed as Myers, going off like “NO, I’M MICHAEL MYERS!”. Stupid scene, but the way the mask is in shadow, with only the side being lit looked great. Just wish you couldn’t see his eyes. Not a fan of the ‘gothic’ vibe of the mask though, with black makeup and all.

It’s really the only mask I don’t mind the eyebrows painted either. Yes indeed either black out the eyes or do what I do and wear black stockings over my face so can see my eyes but your not sure if you see them. Think when I grab one going to give it the h1 hair, whiten it up a bit, white the brows and only lighty shadow some the features, I have a feeling I’d be in love with it

Probably one of my favourite shots of the mask
Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 9.57.54 pm.jpg

I get some major H4 vibes from that shot, great lighting.

This shot and moment is one of my favourites for lighting
Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 9.57.45 pm.jpg

I just did one, but the hair is more similar to the Cinema Secrets by choice. Repainted too.

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That’s such a great looking mask, the straight down check moth lines whatever you call them make it seem so much sinister

I had mine repainted and hair misted - It’s a collectors edition too so much more rare than some that they sold

Always loved the mask. Heard about a large Mofuggah being made and will definitely grab one

The Cinema Secrets are already pretty big :open_mouth: :smiley: The Mofuggah is a recast so maybe bigger lol . There was one on eBay for like $300 last week :drinkers:

Yeah I regret selling my old CS but 24.5’ is perfect for me. I the original Mofuggah was 24’ but the thicker latex made it a tight fit. Whichever I come across first :laughing: been wanting H8 mask for a while

I know this is off-topic, but you should make a thread showing off those gloves. That part 6 looks fantastic.