Halloween Resurrection Coveralls and Boots match

Figured this would be an interesting thread, so we all thought that Resurrections coveralls were Red Kaps like H20, but there are things that don’t have them match Red Kaps or Dickies, they are in fact Dakota Coveralls

So here’s the first thing, the elastic in the back they have taken out the original and added more in the centre, and the tag spot
coverall tag.jpg
The front pockets these are the best shots I have managed to get of the pockets, both left and right, they look to be squared off, but they are rounded
And the cuff, it has a snap enclosure, but no actual split, and the snaps are covered on the top
And lastly, the collar, it’s very tall and the snap enclosure is in the same spot
And now I shall bring up the boots, they are vintage Greb military boots, which are from the Canadian Military, they are very similar to the Genesco boots, but the sole has big gaps and the heel is curved
Greb boot.jpg

Good eye bro! So he’s sporting Jason’s boots from part 3 :slight_smile:

Beautiful observations!! Updating the guide for boots, I’ll dig into the coveralls as well

Wonderful, look forward to seeing what the coveralls are!

Me too! I think charcoal grey is a great color its lloks great in Ressurection and H40.

Great observations. Never was a huge fan of the film but I dig the mask and actually liked the long neck on the coveralls as it looked good with the mask and overall appearance of Myers

Same here, I still dislike the film, but I have been digging the look of him in the movie, more and more

The movie may have sucked ass, but the look of Myers himself may be the best thing in the movie

It’s about the only thing I really like, and the scene when walking past Harold’s room

Well I’ve done lots of frame by frames, but I’ve come up with some identifications on the coveralls:

1. The chest pockets are definitely angled off (same as the Dickies Flex):

2.The chest pockets have a horizontal stitch (same as the Dickies Flex):

3. The back pockets also are angled off (same as Dickies Flex):

4. This one is iffy because of camera quality, but it looks like the same stitch is at the top of the back:

2 inconsistencies that still exist, however, are that Dickies currently doesn’t offer these in Charcoal and also the collar size. I’ve reached out to their speciality department to see if they have any existing pairs that match or any they used to sell that match the screen used pair. We will see what’s to come!! :drinkers: :drinkers:

Those are some great comparisons and help out, though I am wondering about the collar and the colour as well, looking forward to what the result is, they might have even faded these black pair, or die it to Navy and added Grey

That’s what I’m wondering! Maybe they’ll have some insight :smiley:

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I think the boots are “Greb” Mark III combat boots. Theyre the Canadian army’s version of the genesco.
Theyre almost the same except the tip of the tread at the toe and heel. The toecap is differently shaped more like a motorcyle boot .
I would have thought Genesco but this is the only Halloween filmed in Canada, I have a pair at home every Army surplus in Canada has them

The genesco have a flatter leather toecap and different leather where the shoelaces are, these have the fuller toe/tongue area of the boots
Unlike the genesco. Also the heel part under the logo is 90 degrees, the genesco heel has an angle where the heel lift starts

I thought Genesco until I saw the boot tread, the sole has two flat areas. IE no ridges near the tip of toe and heel, smooth on the front and back of the tread. Does anyone have a higer res pic of his bloody boot sole like in the original post?

I have a pair at home I can take pics of if we have/need screenshots to match the angle
h8best sole.jpg
h8best tread.jpg

I thought that the top of the sole had just been worn off, but those definitely match much better, I got this shot again, and it’s a bit better in clarity but still not the best
Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 10.10.07 pm.jpg
tried to layer them

Connecting the dots: if the boots were purchased in Canada, it makes sense the coveralls were, as well. Is there a common brand of coveralls in Canada, or perhaps a Canadian Dickies offshoot?

What coveralls would have been available at a Canadian army surplus store around that time?

Good thought! I’ll check into that

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that’s something I wonder about as well, given that I just learned it was shot in canada, they could have had a brand like the Dickies, or Dickies tailored them

My first thought was our offbrands like Work-King, Big Bills, or Dakota. Dickies ripoffs we have at Marks Work warehouse etc
Then I started googling army surpslus stores in Vancouver/BC and Canadian made workwear.
I literally think i just stumbled onto the same brand/make as the movie ones total luck

The ones i found match perfectly…the seller listed them “navy blue” but they match the screen used charcoal color.
They have the same massive collar and collar button placement, super stretchy waistband in the back etc

Take a look at the pics let me know what you think, Theyre Canadian made, back then they were in every Walmart or Canadian tire
It makes sense H8 was shot in Canada for a low budget, they bought the boots army surplus, the coveralls were maybe 35-40 bucks new back then. Thry probably bought his costume at the same surplus store.


those first pair are almost a match, but the only thing that doesn’t match, is the elastic in the back and the sleeves
Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 8.59.05 pm copy.png

I think only Busta had the snaps on the sleeves