Yesterday may have been Labor Day but we got an early Halloween treat just the same!
Marcus Dunstan, the director of the upcoming HALLOWEEN RETURNS, gave a huge update concerning the details of the next film in the franchise! The following info was taken from
The new Halloween movie just got a BIG update via the director, Marcus Dunstan. And so far, this next installment looks to be one of the better movies in the franchise.
But I’ll let you judge that for yourself.
Jumping right into it. The director says the new mask and Michael Myers will ‘‘resemble the classic profile from John Carpenters original Halloween’’ Here’s a little bit more of what he had to say about the future reveal.
Of the mask’s reveal, likely in an early teaser trailer, the director sites the recent Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser featuring a familiar yet aged Harrison Ford at the end, stating, “Our goal is to have that Han and Chewie moment.”
This is great because people often cite the original two Michael Myers mask as the best. And I agree. So this is a big step in the right direction.
I’ve heard some pretty weird complaints about the title. Thankfully the director addressed that in his interview as well. Here’s what he had to say.
“Halloween, if you have a semicolon, Returns, I think I put it in an email as a subtitle, but I think it was registered as Halloween Returns, which is fine. I like that, and it works, it does function as what it means to say. But if you commit a violent act, sometimes you get returns. What are the repercussions of being a violent entity? In that case, Halloween Returns could mean a number of things.”
I personally think the title fits really well. We haven’t seen a Halloween movie in almost ten years. So I’m glad it’s returning.
While there is no official shooting date yet. The director did reveal motion test have already begun on ‘‘potential Michael’s’’. As for what kind of guy they want to play the role, we still don’t know.
Going Back To The Roots, And Suspense
The director also expressed a real interest in bringing the suspense back. Something the original movie is known for.
“Michael Myers is subtlety and suspense,” he explained. “Suspense isn’t expensive. A karate fight in a burning room is expensive.
The Timeline Has Been Confirmed
The article also had this to say about which timeline the new movie will take place in.
The interviewees reveal plans for a violent opening, and confirm it will follow the events of the first three Halloween films.
Now that’s interesting! I would have never expected them to include the third Halloween movie with the first two. And oddly enough, I’m glad they’ve decided to do that. Halloween 3 was just as dark as the original two movies. I’m just curious at how they’re going to tie it all together.
Of course this won’t be the final Halloween movie. When asked about potentially doing more Halloween films. The director had this to say.
“I want to make The Dark Knight.”
Which basically means he wants to make the next film good enough to where it won’t need a sequel to feel complete. But can still have a few if they decide to make that move.
So that’s all the news so far. How do you feel about ‘Halloween Returns’? I think it’s gonna be superb. But maybe it’s still a little to early to tell.
I dont trust this director at all. Have you seen his work?
In my opinion the best choice for director and writer of a halloween movie would be david robert mitchell. I just watched “It Follows” and it was a major step in the right direction. The cinematography is excellent, the mood, the throwbacks to all the classics from the 60s, 70s, and 80s…the suspense, the ordinary looking actors, and great music. The movie reminded me of an early John Carpenter movie meets Wes Cravens Nightmare on Elm St.
Made on a shoe string budget, from an ambitious and intelligent director.
Awesome!! It really seems they are going to take this in the right direction and MAYBE please the hard core Halloween fans! Reading that made me a little more excited!
. How long do you think it will take once the mask is reviled for someone to produce a replica available to us? And who will that be?? I can’t wait to see it!!
I thought both The Collector and The Collection were pretty good. I do agree about It Follows, I thought it was great and reminded me of an early JC movie.
Oddly enough I started watching It Follows last night (but passed out before I could watch all of it). A friend of mine said it was the scariest horror movie he had seen in a while, but he hasn’t even seen Halloween.
I’m trying to think of ways that the filmmakers could make Halloween Returns scary. There’s only so much you can do with Michael Myers, sort of like Jason. Plus the track record for the sequels is quite poor. I’m not getting my hopes up, but I can’t wait!
Reading this got me excited! A return to the original roots of Carpenter’s Halloween, that sounds great! Can’t wait to see the first teaser trailer when it’s released, not to mention THE MASK!!!
I’m guessing this will have a big budget, probably some famous actors/celebrities (I mean c’mon, Busta Rhymes was in the last one, lol), and a strained Michael Myers wreaking havoc. But at least they’re going to use an old-school looking mask. That much is exciting!
I think they mean that they’re trying to return him to his “Shape” status, like how Castle made Michael out to be a ghoulish figure, quietly gliding down hallways after his prey.
He is saying the right things. Lets see how he executes. I Imagine the film won’t be out until next Halloween so there is plenty of time for news and updates.
Truth be told, despite heavy skepticism from me, I found Colin Trevorrow very charismatic and commonly “said the right things” while he made Jurassic World. Even when in the face of backlash at many plot points that ended up being taken the wrong way (the idea of “tamed” Raptors" led many to resort to jokes, most involving “Dino-Riders” or the old Kenner toys that included “capture gear”). In the face of all this, Jurassic World was still a huge success and garnered an unprecedented theatrical gross. One that even justified giving the film an extended run in theaters nation wide.