Handiboy’s Dead Ringer - Permatecs

Scored this today from Nick at Handiboy! This is the Dead Ringer mask. I got it made in permatecs rather than traditional latex…meaning it will last forever! Seriously…if any of you have doubts about this mask…don’t! It is absolutely stunning! The features are perfect and not too prominent as others are saying…they are just right. Nick, I can’t thank you enough! This is perfect!


Sick mask! Looks like a real nice copy… Congrats! …ANDY

Thanks Andy! I’m really digging this mask. Looks 100 times better in person.

Would love to see worns!

Looks great! Congrats!!

I’ll see what I can pull off :sunglasses: I honestly feel like I don’t wear these masks very well :laughing:

Thank you! More pics to come…

Awesome stuff brother! Do you know by any chance, if Justin Mabry uses Permatecs for his masks, like his psycho and creep? Thanks!

Justin doesn’t use it for his masks

What kind of latex does he use? I’m sure it’s not traditional latex, but some high quality latex.

That’s pretty much it, not sure what kind it is

Fantastic score!! :hocho::jack_o_lantern:

I don’t believe he’s said but I’d assume it’s rd-407, industry standard. Not sure though! Haven’t owned a NO piece

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Yooo!! Awesome copy, Nick’s Dead Ringer has to be one of my fav H1’s ever.

Yes!!! It’s turning into my favorite sculpt very quickly :smiley:

Very nice :slight_smile:

Nick created permatecs,so no one uses it but him I believe.

Mask looks fantastic dude!I hope Nick makes the smaller version soon I want to buy one.

How is the Permatecs for wearing? I’ve heard it’s good for display, but how does it feel and look when wearing? Thanks.

How is the Permatecs for wearing? I’ve heard it’s good for display, but how does it feel and look when wearing? Thanks.

How is the Permatecs for wearing? I’ve heard it’s good for display, but how does it feel and look when wearing? Thanks.