Happy April 1st! (New Castle stretch sculpt)


Wow! Awesome!

Is this a full size mask? or a bust?

Damn, are you going to try to replicate the look from the closet scene?

Holy fuck. You even got the neck spot on :astonished:

Dude wtf! This is awesome! More info please!!

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:open_mouth: :axe:

Good gosh, I have never seen an H1 sculpt closer to perfection than that!

Please tell me this is no joke!

Yeah that’s insane!!

Dude, please tel me you are not joking. I am highly interested in it!

Same here, this DEFINITELY needs to be a new mask for purchase! :myers: :smiley:

Okay… you’ve successfully gotten our attention. Now what the hell is this? Looks like there was a lot of time put into this sculpt. Pretty close to perfect. The ultimate Castle stretch.

Yeah this better not be a joke I want to know more about this!

Please have patients with me, it’s not finished yet…

Hey man, do you have more pics? Thanks!

Who are you and why the hell have you not been promoting this!? This looks fantastic :laughing: Can’t wait to add one to my collection!

You should check the Facebook group haha! Everyone thinks it’s a photoshopped image because the sculpt looks to damn accurate to be true. But this shows how much you nailed the crap out of the H1 mask! Congrats! And please let us know when it’s finished!

Please take your time man, if it’s not even finished yet and looks this good, dare I say perfect :smiley: then I can’t wait to see it when it’s done! PLEASE keep us updated! :smiley:

Also, is this a lifecast retool or what?! I’m just so entirely shocked by how good this sculpt is.