Heath here...long time, no post

Hey guys, I haven’t posted in here for quite some time but I wanted to share some amazing photos of the rehaul I did for Joey Romero. He is an amazing artist in his own right, and I was honored (as I am with every rehaul) that he wanted my work. Hope you guys dig it and if anyone has any questions about my work, process, wait time, or pricing (price change on March 1st) then just message me here OR on the fb page. Thanks!

  • Heath (HollowMeanMan)

Now that’s how it’s done!

Beautiful finish!

Thanks guys!

Yeah, that’s pretty damn epic!!

You really knocked it out of the park with this one, looks great!

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Man oh man :open_mouth:. That looks like it came straight out of the set!

Very nice

Wow, great finish ! Do you have a Instagram ? ?

That’s drop dead gorgeous :astonished:

Thanks for the very kind words guys!

I’m a bit rusty on here so please bear with me…its been a while since I’ve been on.

Juicemaster310…No, I’m only on fb (Heath Johnson) at the moment. I need to look into how Instagram works, though I must admit I am not familiar with it other than the name itself.

Great job! :myers:

Dude, this is one of the sickest rehauls that I have seen yet. The detailing is just spot on!

Nice one Heath!

Right on the money!

Thank you!

I appreciate it! Thanks!

Thanks brother!!

Thank you, sir!


The exact reason I recommended you as the artist to send the H40 masks to for overhauls when preorders started shipping. Never let me down with your TOTS rehauls and this honestly may be my favorite yet! I see a lot of people bragging about their work (which is fine) but I respect how humble you are especially considering the immense talent you have. Much respect brother.