HELP! Save my mask from the hands of JC!-holding it hostage!

Thanks to Lee (devilman) for hooking me up with a NAG MINT 75 Kirk… :smiley:

Photo courtesty of Lee- before he sent it out to me. (devilman) :open_mouth:

However im quite upset, :imp:
the mask was not sent to me. It ended up in the hands of a guy by the name of James Carter something or other…in freekin Georgia who goes by the name JC_70. This Mr. Carter has threatened to do terrible things to this mask. like ripping off the hair, painting it white, making it look like this nick castle guy and tearing off the eyebrows against its will. And he said he is going to send it back after he is done putting his filthy hands over it.

If anyone has any information or any leads about this Putz JC you let me know… and Mr carter, if your reading this…
Hey you…get your damn hands off her… :butthead: :finga:

Ill keep you guys updated on this fiasco.



im glad you find it funny that my mask is in the hands of some brute who lives in a latex torture chamber in Georgia with knives, scissors and paint :imp:

Man thats a terrible situation to hear about but get this somehow this same fiend got ahold of a blank H78 Nik was sending to me as well . Those poor masks right now are sitting in that guys evil greasy mask torturing room of his now with those Walls that need painting . Hope one day you get it back man and get it out of the hands of that madman . :smiling_imp: :drinkers:

Have a good one man

Yes JC is the evil mask converter. He inflicted his evil transformation techniques on two of my masks, soon to be three.

:open_mouth::laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


you all find this humourous… im not surprised…
im sure you all support this JC fellow every which way.

But i assure you this… Mr. carter will regret the day he F**KED with JIMITHING


The stache of steel has been dispatched to your home for questioning and to claim MY MASK!! Do not fight it, save your strength.

No need.

the truth stache has been dispacted to JC’s home as we speak.

Soon he will call it… master.

Calm down… it’s just a joke. :laughing:

Well,I hope everything goes well for you,dude.FU** all these other people that think its funny.Because they wont be the ones laughing when something like this happens to them.

Dude, this is just a big joke…chill out :laughing:

This JC stooge says hes gonna “convert” MY MASK!!!??

Jc couldnt convert a dolla into 4 quarters.

sick burn

wow.i feel stupid :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: just forget i said all that

SHOOM right over his head :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ah thats good stuff

It’s cool, Jimi poured it on pretty thick.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Our thoughts and preyers go out to your mask.

Please post this flyer in your signatures and let me know if you have any leads…

Feel free to purchase from me, anytime… :smiling_imp: cue evil laugh

Sorry Jimi, I was like a man possessed writing down that address!..shaka KHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!

you rat bastard. how dare you have the GONADS to post in this thread.
how dare you sell this to me and ship it to this goon in Georgia.

what does this JC have up his sleeve??

TALK TO ME!!!@!@!@


LOL! A couple of replies in this thread are epic!

That GA varmint JC is a bad bad man… I’m sorry to tell you this, but that Kirk will no longer look the same.

Just 10x better!