Well to start off, i usually don’t take my masks off my shelf for fun unless its of course, Halloween. But for some reason i thought it would be cool to let me H78 tag along last night while out-n-about with my girlfriend.
So after we get through with our shopping, i saw a couple of punk redneck kids hanging out in our hometown plaza area and what better time to mess with them unsuspectingly right? Well all they did was give me the usual wtf look…
Wasn’t good enough, i needed more…
But next door at a fast food joint i saw, “the school bus” This was my chance! I pulled into the parking lot and sat in my truck wearing my H78 staring straight through the windows to witness a BUNCH of school girls. Middle schoolers maybe. They see me peering through and start to get a lil bothered by what they see. So next I pull around and start to stare through the other windows and what came next was too much! They all began to SCREAM, jump out of their chairs, stumbling over each other, and freaked the hell OUT! But i had to make my get away because thier coach tried to run outside and “have a lil talk” with me.
We laughed hard on that one!
Fantastic!! 'LOL" I love it! that’s the way to do it! Great work!..lol
aw yes. cant wait to scare the sh*t out of some kids. good story
lool nice 1 bruva ! do it more often
Still laughing from when you called me last night and told me. Rachel got a big kick out of it. I wish I coud’ve been there. Good job on scaring those little girls. They probably had it coming anyway.
I love it!! That’s what it’s all about
Oh man,gotta love it
That’s hilarious… Great work man, I love catching people like that. It’s one of the best things about owning an indie mask, people are always freaked out because it looks so damn genuine!
exactly!!! I scared a girl in 2006 with a Psycho and she said oh sh!t there he is! he looks so real. I think its more fun to scare people aside from Halloween because its expected on that day.
hahaha that is awesome!! we have a gym in my neighborhood and the whole front is windows with treadmills, so i want to just walk by the window and stare in at everyone.
do we have a thread for storys like this? im still new here … lol