Hiro Blank paint up...

I spent some time on this one and I think it’s my best paint up yet…Tell me what you think :slight_smile:
I would like to thank “samhain83” for hooking me up with two of these awesome blanks! :rock: :rock: :rock:

Nice on how you made the flesh tones slightly show around the nose and chin, and the way it gets stronger on the neck. :rock: :rock:
Them Hiro’s look great when done up right :sunglasses:

Nice Job! I’ll have to pick a blank up sometime.

Hmmmmmmmm… just think of what it could look like if JC got his hands on it. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a great job.We all know jc can hook up any blank he puts his hands on.I think he was looking for comments on his paint job…Outstanding job bro

great job!! :smiley:

i would love to fix one of these badboys up, they look sick as can be!! :smiley:

Nice job man. Like the flestones and finishing. Look forward to seeing it completed.

I think it looks great!
On a side note, this isn’t very “PIC HEAVY”. :stuck_out_tongue:

My bad. :blush:
I got it haired tonight with some aged blond mohair and sprayed black for that Authentic look :slight_smile:

Absolutely. Great job “loomisproof78”. I didn’t mean to dis your work or anything like that. :smiley:

Love the flesh tones

Nice Castle look going on, the way it is stuffed gives it a killer “elongated” face.

very nice man, the flesh tones look awesome! nice paintup, can’t wait to see it haired! :smiley:


looks good to me man. lets see some updated pics with hair :smiley: