Hey so I’ve been looking into trying to make the hobo Myers costume but everything Ibe come across doesent really give a list of what each item is. I was just seeing if anybody on here might beable to give a list of what every item is to make this costume. The help is much appreciated.
Talk to Beyond Disgusting Studios, BDS, Ray aka MickIbanez may be able to help.
I can help as i just made one. The inner most layer is the coveralls. After that you have red/blk flannel lined shirt jacket. This was the piece i pulled the inner liner out of for the scarf look. Next is a peacoat type blk jacket, then the camo vest.
Each of them weathered and torn up. I got the camo vest from old navy for 13.00 about a month ago but i found a more accurate one for sale at sportmans guide you can cut sleeves off of. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/military-style-insulated-diamond-quilted-flight-jacket?a=235021
It weighs a ton when its all together and has to be hot as heck lolol.
The hardest part was the liner hanging out and i sewed it and made it dirty to hang out just right like movie.
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I forgot the hood…mine is attached to my flannel jacket and is big and should work fine but most people get a carhartt hood and sew to the vest neck
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last piece is field blanket with rope to hang around shoulders. I used green fleece blankets from walmart for 2.50 a piece and used three to give it some bulk then used brwn paracord to make rope part
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Thanks for the help guys this really does help and thanks for the list of things N1ghtst4lker7!
What type of knot do you tie to tie it?