Greetings bredren.
was havin me self a little think earlier and was thinking about the hobo myers look. doews anybody know what its made up of as it looks like its layered up. also i noticed that he has a bed role but wondered were his mask was kept? unless it was under his coat.
does anybody have any hobo myers outfits?
Here is a thread that prob gives the best description of the outfit.
There are some people on here that have really good Hobo costumes made up and I myself am working on one that is only lacking one thing before it is done.
MickIbanez has a real good one on here. I think rampage and outbreak are also doing one as well… I will post some pics of what I have also…
camo jacket

Although the black coat shown here has now been really torn up good to match the movie better


Black coat but like I said it is really torn up good now.