................... Hospital Stalker ...................


Looks cool!

hey bud, can you take a shot thats alittle further back? thats alittle too close up to really tell anything about it.

Is it a sequel blank with clay on it?

No its all made by me no help from anything.

For some reason i dont see an h2…i see h4

Its H2 doesnt look anything like H4 to me.

I wouldnt expect you to…you sculpted it to be h2 so that is all you will see.

ur clay is falling apart there man…

i was thinking it looks like a mask, not a sculpt :question:

yea the clay looks to be the wrong stuff.what kind is it? it also looks like the sculpt is warping? what are you sculpting on? tommy

I know guys its really not my finished product I have better clay coming soon to put over it.Its just the bass.I sculpted it by myself how could it be a mask :arrow_right: :exclamation: :question:

I can’t wait to see the finished mask :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: …You go with your bad self bro! I’m sure making masks isn’t an easy thing to do.

Great start.I would definitely try that other clay like you said.Don’t let people discourage you bro.everyone picks apart sculpts.If you are having fun and happy with it that’s all that counts.keep on keepin on bro.

Thanks Myers N San Deaigo and MASK4ME its alot of fun :smiley:

“can’t wait to see it when it’s done!!” :slight_smile:


Honestly my friend, I can’t make out what it is supposed to be,

I don’t mean any offense, but I’d take a picture a little further back, so we can get a better visual.

Its just really supposed to be a sneak peek.

Thanks man:)

Looking good bro!, I can’t wait to see the finished product, :rock: