Id like to hear how everyone did on halloween nite this 2009 ? was it successful, did you scare the hell out of everyone ? “I mean everyone is entitled to one good scare right”
Post your pictures here, and video links on youtube, lets see some great masks and costumes, and good scares too !! My halloween was awesome!
My girlfriend and i went to a haunted cemetery…this cemetery has a certain creep factor to it…its like you classic horrow movie cemetery…the oldest grave i found was 1824…which is before michigan even becam a state. its absolutley errie…its been abandoned its been overgrown with ivy and brush. there is a grave of a child there.and legend has it that the ghost of a woman in a green victorian dress can be seen crying over the grave…even thought we didnt see her…we got this feelign that we were being watched…after we left the boys grave i wanted to go back but my girlfriend couldnt…when i went back i could hear footsteps right next to me and my girlfriend was far away.
i didnt have my camera with but i did find some pics of it
i definetly had one good scare
I had a REALLY good time and ended up winning three halloween costume contests. My night was pretty good.
The first place we went is a smaller bar, we had some friends that we met up with there. For that one I walked in as The Joker. My hair is pretty close to Heath Ledger so all I had to do was get some green spray and mix it with some black to even it out. It came out really well. I figured there would be more Jokers in that room. I was the only Joker. I felt like a celebrity in that bar, because as I walked in everyone turned around stared. My fiancee was dressed as Batgirl, so it was kind of a theme. WIthin the first 10 minutes I had already taken about 13 pictures with various people. And people were grabbing my hair, because they thought it was a wig… it was pretty crazy. I felt like a hot girl, because people were buying me shots left and right. This one guy said he’d buy me anything i wanted as long as I did the “Why So serious.” So in a way, I kinda whored myself out. So they pulled me on stage, I didn’t even know what was going on. I was up against A Tampon, Sexy Devil, My fiancee, and The Hulk. I ended up winning a 50 dollar bar tab, so we stayed for a little while longer and I bought a few of the people who had bought me drinks. I spent maybe 7 dollars there.
The next place we hit up, I got there as they were getting ready for the costume contest… they actually stopped it and told me to get up on stage. Again I felt like a celebrity, haha. I won a 25 dollar bar tab there. I shared it with another guy who was dressed as an awesome OOMPA LOOMPA. He was a midget so it was awesome. I took another 14 pictures, and some girl grabbed my crotch and told me she was in love with The Joker. Luckily, my fiancee wasn’t there… it was very awkward. Of course it was around 11PM already so people were getting drunk. I got tired of doing the Joker persona so I decided that the next place i would do a costume change. We spent our 25 dollar bar tab and left. I spent 0 dollars here.
Finally, I took off The Joker get up and put on Michael Myers. I had my warlock that I used in my fan film in the trunk and I pulled it out. I walked in and again I got some crazy looks. There were two others Michael Myers in there. One guy had the new DP mask, but was wearing an orange jumpsuit. He came up to me and was like “Where the hell did you get that mask?” I gave him this website. I had to take pictures again, it was like constant photography there. I ended up winning the 4- dollar bar tab there too, but I was already pretty drunk and was going to stay in character so I bought drinks for my group and a few for other random people. I had the most fun with this one, because people would give me that creeped out look so I would walk over and stand next to them. They would end up walking off. I did get a few “OMG its Jason.” There was a guy with a pretty extravagant Freddy costume. We also saw a guy dressed as Ace Ventura and he was pretty spot on.
It was an awesome night and makes me realize how much I LOVE Halloween. I even took pictures with a couple of the cops who were working at the bars on their cell phones. But yeah it was like people have never seen a guy dressed as The Joker with real hair, haha.
This is a Great Thread! I think right now everyone’s kind of recovering from last night LOL. I know I am for sure. “Evilneedsnoseason” pretty much summed up my night aswell. It was like being famous. You should post some pictures Evil. Hears a couple for now, but I’ll try too get some more in the next few days. I havent really gone through my camera yet.