How do y'all decide which Myers mask to wear on Halloween?

Thought I’d change things up a bit with a fun little idea; how do you all decide which Myers to go as on Halloween? Or which Myers do you prefer to go as? Why?

78 Myers, mostly because it’s all I have

Good question. For me, I just go as whichever version of Myers that I’m in the mood for at the time.

I didn’t have a choice, lol. I have zero myers masks at the moment. (I have an unpainted, flawed h40) but I plan to have 2 by this Halloween and I’ll probably dress up twice!

I’ll just go as Jason! Solves that problem

Neigbors call you Michael if you go as Jason, and they’ll call you Jason if you go as Michael. I know this from experience… :laughing:

lmao which Jason then?

I manage a spencers gifts, so in october i wear every costume i have. Then H1 on Halloween

Well, last Halloween was honestly my first as a Myers nut, so i just went in my Dickies and TOTS H6. This year, I’ll have a considerable indie selection to choose from. But I’m planning on splitting events and Samhain night itself between my H1 with my incoming Castle and my H2. We’ll see on the specific day.

Hard to decide this year, I’m getting one of my H40 masks rehauled by

I recently purchased H1 and H4 covreralls and pre-ordered the H1 and H4 masks.

Maybe Ill find a way to rotate all of them :laughing:

Thats not good…

It’s very sad when this happens, it shows you that they’re not smart enough to distinguish the killer who wears a hockey mask and the killer who wears a white face mask :frowning:

for me its easy my ssn v2 h20

:open_mouth: gorgeous!

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It kind of looks like a brothers return mask from Killah. Great mask though, dude!

I usually switch up masks throughout the day. Took the kids trick-or-treating last year and went with the Maniac but when I work the haunted house I go screen accurate H1 and it’s usually a JC Shat, AHG H78, Psycho or NAG Cover. These 2 were the pair worn last year