How to make dif size masks from 1 sculpt ?

I have always wondered how mask makers get small med & large size masks from a sculpt ?. I cant imagine they make 3 versions of the sculpt so what is the method used ?.

One way I’ve seen is that they make the pull thicker for people with smaller heads.
Thin pulls for large ones.

Hmmm, the diference between a thick and thin mask wouldn’t be much though.

If the sculpt is large, you can just keep making molds of latex pulls to get smaller sizes, as latex shrinks. You can also enlarge latex pulls by soaking them in kerosene, then making a mold of it.

If you made molds from latex pulls would you not lose loads of detail ?

as long as you make the pulls thick enough it will hold the detail.Soaking it in kerosene is how you do larger ones and and continue to mold a piece will down size it …

tommy told me you can make whats called a master, which is a super thick pull! he told me like 5 pours/layers! hope that helps! :smiley: