HSS 75 Kirk upcoming project.

With the discontinuation of the 99 Shatner (that had nothing to do with this announcement.) I wanted to let you all know of my upcoming 75 Kirk project.
My good friend George L. one of the owners of a pristine DP 75 Kirk and I are teaming up for the ultimate Kirk mask project.
Sometime very soon I’ll be flying out to New York to make a NEW 75 Kirk side by side with his copy.
There will be 2 versions: the first will be a wearable mask that will come in 2 sizes as with all of my masks. 25" and 23 1/2".
The second will be a copy of his foamed Kirk with glass eyes.
And don’t worry. NONE of these will be an over-priced cash grab.

Talk about a GREAT announcement and a reason to have a HSS-Kirky smile on our faces once again!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Put me down for a wearable 23 1/2 please. :smiley:

I can’t wait to see this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

this is very exciting news!!!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Put me down for two wearable kirk size masks !!!
Amazing news !!

It work’d with the Screen used H4, i Can see it working here to! Can’t Wait!!! :mrgreen:

Very nice, Sam! I am looking forward to seeing this one. Keep me posted.

same here :smiley:

Yes yes yes yes yes. This is goood news :mrgreen:

This looks great!!! :rock:

that looks really nice

Now this is somthing to look forward to seeing! :smiley:
Great Stuff Sam!

I know these will come out great with how well the H4 came out. Greatly looking forward to this Sam.

Awesome news! A true Kirk replica and your not even going to price gouge for it, what a bizarre notion. :laughing: Thanks Sam!

Very cool news, Sam. George’s Kirk is definitely in top notch condition.

Now you’re talkin Sam! :rock: :rock: :rock: This is great news!


I’m all in on this one, with a conversion by JC!! :finga:

I’ll be getting one for sure!

I would love one but I am one of those guys stuck in limbo land as far as size goes. 23 1/2" is too small for me and 25" is way too big. My magic number is 24"
