HTK Blood Tears

Just thought I’d share a few pics of my HTK proto done up blood tears style. This is still just the damaged first pull, but I like the way it looks. Clean pull under way. [emoji6]

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I dig this a lot actually. You got the hair and paint down perfect in my eyes. Blood tears look great as well. Can’t wait to see the next finished pull.

Much appreciated my friend!

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Very nice! Man, there is just something about those blood tears running down that emotionless face that is so creepy :slight_smile:

Love how wet and natural the blood tears look. Awesome job!

Never been a fan of the blood tear masks but this looks very good actually !!

Thanks all!

Honestly, I never cared for many of the mask versions of the blood tears – with the exception of the messy MMK that JC did. I used that as an inspiration for the look.

I like the addition of the blood coming from the nose, blood irl gets everywhere (I know from nosebleeds) so that is a realistic and nice touch :slight_smile:

I think it just adds something to the regular look.

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Cool! Looks great! :rock: