I didn’t know this!

After getting bored, I decided to lurk around on the part of the forums where you rate and review deals and transactions with other users or companies. I checked the scammer list for the first time and was surprised to see Cemetary Gate Productions on there, I saw his masks and heard good things about him, so this is a bit of a shock to me. I was planning on getting an H6 from him. :open_mouth:

It’s worse than that

How worse, exactly? I saw a link under his name on the list but it lead to a deleted post. What did he do? :confused:

Too much to list, this thread will help

Unfortunately it’s a dead topic. I’m curious too though, do you know where I can find out what he did?

Short of it is that Terry allegedly did something very shady years ago – relative to this hobby. However, For quite some time now, he had been a very reliable person to deal with and I haven’t heard of any issues. Some people will never forgive him for what he allegedly did (understandably). But for a new generation of buyers, he’s good to deal with.

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Hey man there is always 2 sides to a story. With that said, I bought an H2 WARLOCK direct from Terry and 3 months later I had the sickest H2!! Truly an amazing work of art that I’m proud to own. I would not hesitate to buy from Terry again…

Here’s a second one

In summary… his biggest offense to the community was stealing someone’s 75K (original), sending back a hideous bogus copy that he claimed to be the foam filled original, destroyed that original he was sent, lied about it all, pretended to have cancer, made fake accounts and a new business to lie about it all, etc.

Definitely check out those threads posted above and use the related topics function to find more.

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And to be frank, almost every other H6 I’ve seen is superior, as most are descended from the movie mold, the TOTS one included.

Holy fuck! Ok, thats pretty bad. :exclamation:

I thought I saw his and was told it was from the movie mold, do you know anyone else who sells a good H6?

I remember when Terry told everyone he had cancer and was dying, Turned it it was total BS and there was nothing wrong with him. That for me is a slap in the face to people, family, and friends who actual do/did have cancer.

Right? Half my family has died from some form of cancer, and my mother is a breast cancer survivor. To pretend to have cancer just to get out of debts is the scummiest of scum. I wonder if Terry even knows the pain of losing of loved one to that heinous plague. Or knows what it feels like to be there for a loved one through the treatment, and the uncertainty. Cancer is a devastating illness that affects more than the person with it. It affects their whole family. Terry might as well have personally kicked my puppy when he pulled that stunt, and that’s even taking into consideration that he still owes me $200. The balls of Terry to come back after everything he’s done is a real slap in the face to everybody he’s hurt. What’s worse is the number of amoral douchebags who still support him even knowing what he’s done. Terry should have cut his losses and considered himself lucky he wasn’t imprisoned on grand larceny charges.

Sorry to hear about your family. I agree, cancer is a seriously fucked up thing to pretend to have. My best friends mother actually has cancer and it pains me to see people lying about it for personal gain. I remember for a game called TF2, there was a scammer who lied about having cancer to get free items and cosmetics for the game. A fucking GAME. Lying about cancer
For pixels
In a game.


He’s a piece of garbage and honestly the Warlock looked ok ten or fifteen years ago but by today’s standards it looks like a basket ball with eye cuts so I don’t know why people buy anything from him.

This thread should just be locked. Aside from the disgusting cancer BS which affected me personally during a rough loss in my life; Terry owes me a 30th Anniversary AND a Warlock. Of course “Crypt Co.” conveniently took over and my $500+ gone with it. Steer clear of CGP, I don’t care what anybody says or what the hell he has done to change. There’s a reason he doesn’t show his face anymore

Unbelievable. Sorry to hear that my friend. Yeah, the cheating and stealing is bad enough. The cancer BS is even worse. After all of these years, I didn’t remember that part. As a cancer survivor, that offends me to no end. In 2 weeks I’ll be 2 years cancer free. I wouldn’t send CGP my money. No chance.

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God Bless brother! You’re a warrior and I’m glad you fought through. Fuck cancer