I have no idea how y'all wait 6 months for a mask

I’ve got a good bunch of masks on order right now and I’m about to go nuts checking the mail for my Obsession after not even a month! And I keep pestering Rowland for updates on/additions to my H2SM XD

How on EARTH do you do it?

I have definitely learned the meaning of patience in this hobby lol but in the end it’s always worth it! It’s beautiful commissioned art and I can’t get enough of it [emoji23]

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I’ve had more year plus waits than I can count. U either want it or ya don’t. It’s lame it sucks and in almost any other business you’d be out of business but it is what it is. As long as there’s demand the artist have the power.

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Yeah, I’m not complaining about the artists here, just my own impatience :stuck_out_tongue: They do great work, I’m just twiddling my thumbs like mad.

I’m in an even worse situation, not only do I have to wait for what I buy to arrive (Coveralls, masks) but I also barely have any work to do and no money at all so I have to wait an excruciatingly long time for an opportunity to get money. My uncle offered $50 each day if I clean and organize his workshop but I have to wait due to the fact that he’s re arranging stuff to fit a new car he’s working on and it’s too dangerous for me atm. All this and a convention is coming up near me in a month and all I have atm to go as H1 Myers is a bit of a shoddy ToTs H2 and a cheap fun world knife, at least my new coveralls fit the bill but still… Fuck

Don’ complain…at least you have a convention around you!!

Hey Will is that you?lol ,im working on your copy :slight_smile:

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“Inhumanly patient…waiting for some secret silent alarm to trigger him off.” Haha…you gotta be patient like Michael!

Please post the obsession when you get it, I just got a 75c from a guy on here and it’s a beauty. I’m thinking about getting a obsession as well but on the fence.

I don’t wait. I have very little patience. I only buy a mask if the seller is going to get it out right away. If not, I go elsewhere. Same with getting someone to finish a mask for me. If they can’t get to it when I want it done, I go elsewhere. That’s how I roll. :wink:

It’s me :slight_smile: Awesome to hear, thank you!

And no worries, I’ll be posting the Obsession! And everything else as I get it!

This is my second time going to a convention, and since I want to show off, I want a quality mask. You are right though, it would suck ass to drive or fly (both are expensive) and spend more money to get there

BWAHAHA… Love it!

Try waiting 4 years LOL. This hobby has grown so much since early days and back then there were only a handful of us. Around 2005 after the Psycho for H1 and Warlock for H2 everything kind of took off and the hobby was jumpstarted. I’ve waited just over 3 years for 2 spots with JC but after the 2 year wait for my 2013 conversion he did; it is beyond worth it. It honestly adds to the adrenaline I get from collecting :smiling_imp: we’re all a little crazy anyways

Exactly what I did but with Dickies. Here’s a pic of my first costume I wore to the H40 con.

Waiting, not more than a year, is okay, if you know for sure you are going to get the mask. Unfortunately it used to be that most masks projects became challenges just to get the mask. For this reason and because it is much easier, I pretty much only get masks in the after market.

That looks really nice, sadly though my H2 has a warped eye hole and a bit of a bent nose, but the biggest problem is the hair, the hairline is very crappy, bits of hair is missing and it’s way too much hair on the mask anyways. I’m really going to get it rehaired the chance I get.

Idk, maybe it’s just me, but sometime I enjoy the wait. That can be half the fun for me, the anticipation in getting something you love. I have two spots with JC I have a few years to wait for, waited almost 5 months for my Creep last year, and my H40 is away as I type waiting for the artist to get his hands on it. Not sure, I like something to always look forward to.

I have a 2005 Psycho in hand already, and that made it a lot easier to wait for other masks! I currently have a NAG 75K Castle and Creep on the way, and told the artists to take as much time as they need :slight_smile:

One of the best ways to ease the stress of a long wait is to purchase a mask that peaks your interest on the aftermarket. If you are able to get a mask you really like, the wait for the next one doesn’t seem too bad. As collectors, most of us have many masks to choose from and though it is a great feeling to look at them in person, there is only one day of the year we actually actively wear them around :laughing: