I just watched H2

Im back on the forums after a hard year when my parent’s divorced and lots of moving. I bought H2 on DVD today, So time to turn on the DVD player and watch it. I tell you what I think of the movie later this evening. :rock:

wow, i went through the same thing, my mom and stepdad got divorced around november, and my mom and i had to get a house, etc. so i know what your goin through bro, and Hope you enjoy H2, i thought myself that it was amazing, Z

I loved the movie. It started out nice, but the dream sequences were a bit long sometimes. I also loved the cameo by Silas Weir Mitchell when Loomis’ signed the books. I think Michael used TOO MUCH time travelling to be honest, but it’s okay. Michael sounded pretty human in this one, He came back more badass than ever.And the cameo by Weird Al was pretty cool.I also loved the scene where the woman ripped the piece of Michael’s mask, It seemed very real, like it WOULD happen in real life ya know? The scene were the farmers(I dont know what they were ) beat michael was pretty cool , I was screaming at the screen " Get up and kick their asses! " When michael stood up, put his mask on and stood in front of the car …It was BADASS! When michael made noises when killing people, I thought it were a little over the top, but it showed the rage after been locked up for many years. I thought it was pretty cool how Michael flipped the car over.
The ending scene at the shed was pretty cool, because it reminded me of the ending in Halloween 4. I think it was a ok movie.
It was more of a action movie than a horror movie. I give Halloween 2 7.5/10.
