I just won the lottery... now help me spend it!

Seriously! I just won $10,000 with the lottery! Already got a few little things lined up… new HD TV (I converted my old one into an HDMI computer monitor last year and have been going a few months without), a few collector’s items I’ve had my eye on for a while (graflex lightsaber, a hat I’ve been chasing for a while, etc), but I’m thinking masks! There’s a pair of NAG 2Ks on eBay right now fetching a pretty penny, but let’s see what else you guys can humor me with. Not looking for any specific WTBs, but ideas in general.

Gosh! I would definitely want a KHU! But that’s just me

Invest in a vintage item with a lot of value

Awesome! Congrats Davy!!! :drinkers:

Spend it on coke and hookers…only joking

About the coke

Best way to spend it is to send me $500 for my Bday lol

How’s about keeping it in the bank.

I’d buy myself a Curse costume and mask and wear it for Halloween. :sunglasses:

Congrats man!

That would be my suggestion, or at least don’t spend it all.

Invest 8k, use 1k on ‘collectibles’, use the last 1k on stuff like TV and a couple nice dinners out at a nice restaurant.

my thoughts on it anyway. A windfall is a good time to invest in the rest of your life. Use money to make more money.

…of course after taxes you might only get like $6,500 or so. But I’d still divy up what’s left and invest the bulk of it.

ETF’s are pretty safe in the long term and good for long term investing.

Honestly, this is the best advice here. Or like ishothimsixtimes! said, just don’t spend it all. But, to be completely honest, if this was me, I definitely wouldn’t be able to not spend any of it :laughing: The smart thing to do would be to save it but…We are collectors here and when we see something we want and have the means, we’re gonna get it :laughing:

Get what you like…enjoy yourself!

I would use a little portion of the money to enjoy my life, and save most of it just in case of financial troubles, investment, supporting kid’s education, etc…

Exactly. If I had 10k now, I’d use it to start my business.
Saving the bulk is the other good suggestion.

Of course, take about $1000 though and get some cool stuff. I know I would! Think about how many NECA figures or TOTS masks you can buy with $1000…

And congrats, you’re lucky! Was it powerball, scratch off, keno, … Bingo?? lol

Congratulations !

Holy shit man congratulations. Did you opt to get the $10k taxed in a lump sum or spread out? I think tax rates vary per state but regardless that’s a nice chunk of cash! If you’ve had a specific mask in mind, or bust, I’d go for it. Get things you don’t have and would use a lot (like you said a new TV, a gaming system, etc) and you should still have over $5k to bank and save

Thanks for the advice, everyone! :smiley:

Coke is society’s way of saying you got too much money. :laughing:

That’s no fun… but will probably be where it ends up.

I took it spread out. I’m a patient guy and am in no rush to blow ALLLL the money at once, despite the thread’s title. I can still hear my mother telling me not to spend it all in one place.

Congrats! If you can play, vintage guitars and other instruments. They’re only going further up in value. As for masks, get yourself one of your favourite sculpts. Always wise to keep some in the bank too. Perhaps you’ve wanted to do some renovations on your house or something? Idk, something you can use.

Very cool…dont know about buying a 2k tho…always remember its latex…might scale down and buy a 500-1000 mask…rest i would get stuff I needed…or invest.
Back in 08 I took a buy out…got 93,000.00…spent maybe 1500.00 on collection…rest invested…trust me…it was hard…took all i had not to drop 4000.00 on a KH and NM78 4 stamp…I just could not justify it…but whatever you do…be happy with the desion!