We will be going to NC to the Myers house soon to shoot several scenes from the film. One scene is 1978 and I want to use one of two masks to get as close to the hero as possible, which one of my UL 75’s should I use? You guys tell me what you think.

UL 75 #1

UL 75 #2

I say #1

whatever one you want man

i say go with #1 but its all up to you.

#1 is a good choice. awesome collection!

I’m actually gonna have to say the second one

Use them both. For daylight shootings #1 for night shootings #2 :smiley:

It’s just one scene that takes place at night

i say #2, i have always loved your first ul75 copy, i love the black hair instead of brown, i say #2 all the way!!!

The second one. I like the black hair better.

The first one for sure! :wink:

Id go with your own personal favorite. :wink:


Fix the hair, spray it and use #1 :rolleyes:

Use number one and send number 2 to me! :mrgreen:

:laughing: :open_mouth: :laughing:

Go with #2

#2, mos def.

WOW you guys are almost split on which one I should use :confused: HMMMMMMM!

#2 or a H78 :slight_smile: