I went Mad!

Well I converted my Kirk since no one really wanted it when I put it in the classifieds, I was going to sell it but the one day I just took down the ad because I knew it could make a killer H1 that could make me as happy as I am now. I had some auburn crepe wool too, so there you go. I love how this came out it looks so vintage, I went with a cleaner look and it screams H1 all day long, I kinda had the outside-like hedge scene in my mind when I did this and those early AHG conversions. It came out better than my other one so I’m pretty happy now. Here’s the pics

Next to his brother haha

Thanks for looking!

I see h1 and h2 when they r side by side…looks like ya need another kirk

HOLY SH** Bro! That thing looks amazing. Damn! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Yea, your right Bro, Damn! I missed that.

I do indeed need another Kirk, and I just need to possibly dye the other ones hair so it can be more H2 than it is now.

Dude…Go mad more often :smiley: That looks amazing!!!

Nice Work,
Nick :rock:

Outstanding work man!

not bad at all man.

Very nice job man.

you did an outstanding job on that
i love the eye cuts
this is surly one of the nicest conversion ive seen

great job

excellent excellent job bro

Nice work Nick :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
That’s the best hairing you’ve done :slight_smile:

very nice work.

Nice conversion!!! You did a bang up job on that mask!!!

We’re all mad here :laughing: