I won’t be heating the latex to keep the Warlock stretch on my ToTs H2

I added one tiny bag to the right side to even out the sides. It looks good in my book. I won’t use a hairdryer to keep the stretch though due to advice from you beautiful people. But I have a question, how long does it take for latex to stay in place when it’s stuffed? I hope it’s a few weeks or even just a few months

heat is very bad for latex, it’s a last resort to use a hair dryer on a mask. It will heat up fast btw and get very hot.

Generally reshaping is best done when the mask first comes out of the mold and isn’t 100% dried yet.


Good luck.

“Thanks, I’ll heat it up for 6 seconds and then see how hot it is. If it isn’t hot enough, I’ll heat it up for 3 more seconds and then completely stop and point my movable fan at it on full blast.” I won’t. I’ve been feeling terrible lately and I just feel anxious about it now

The Warlock stretch is already a part of the sculpt but it’s yours to do what you want. You can repair warping with some heat so maybe it will work in some way to alter the shape. I’m really not sure.

When I wear it, one eye is definitely not stretched. “I did this in order to fix it. I haven’t done it yet due to emotional problems atm but it’ll look nice, I hope” I won’t do it, not only am I feeling like hot garbage atm, but everyone is saying not to, so…

Please don’t use a hair dryer to heat your mask. It looks amazing stuffed as you have it. Heating it will damage the integrity of the latex.

Since everyone is saying not to, how long do I keep it stuffed for before it permanently keeps the stretch? I hope it doesn’t take too long

[quote=Carollove post_id=1160265 time=1553730370 user_id=18576]
You can always stuff the mask and wear a beanie when wearing it, to achieve the Warlock look. I wouldn’t use heat at all, if you want to keep this mask for a long period of time.

“My head is very, VERY small, so I don’t think I’ll be able to achieve that. I plan for it to go out like the original Hero, so if it rots faster, I’m fine with it. I can easily get $70 from working at my uncles workshop and order another one that’s in brand new condition.” I’ll try what you recommend. But I still kind of doubt that it’ll work, due to my small head. Thanks for the advice though

[quote=MyersVictims post_id=1160261 time=1553729382 user_id=20223]
I done this too a Elrod and it didn’t work at all. It retained it’s basic shape. I spent like 30 minutes on it lol.

Did yours rot like everyone else is saying? Also, the latex may be different from the H2 and Elrod

“I do want to keep the stretch when I’m wearing it, and besides. I can always get another one in brand new condition, they’re cheap.” Since lots of peeps are saying to not do this tho, I won’t, but how long do I have to keep it stretched for before it stays like that?

Stay away from heat! Idk what filler is mixed with the latex in TOTS masks but heat warps latex in general and you have a great Warlock stretch as is. You stuffed it well man, I would just leave it as is, black out the eyes and it’s perfect.

Now that you’re saying not to do it, I won’t at this point. I’ve been feeling emotionally horrible today and I don’t want anything else to happen. Though a good question I have is, if I leave it stuffed like this for a long time, like a few weeks or maybe even a few months, will it keep the stretch?

I’ve had a run of depression recently too man. We all share interests in the hobby but if you ever need somebody to listen you can always message me brother. I know what it’s like.

And honestly man, I truly believe when it comes to TOTS, the masks DO hold a bit of the stretch if displayed long enough in a certain manner. My old Hospital mask was tight but after 2 months of leaving it stuffed in the same position not only did it fit better but it took the shape of the position if was stuffed in! Your mask looks great though man, definitely a great copy of one of my favorite sculpts ever. Hope you feel better soon man

I actually teared up a bit at this. Thank you so much, You made my day.

You have more friends here than you think bro, it’s a wonderful community at the core. We all have our days and I’m right there with you now. Feel free to PM me as well.

I have a small head myself, about 22.5" so my head swims in the TOTS H2 deluxe. Last Halloween I had to wear a thick beanie with extra foam padding to make it work. It had a slight warlock stretch to it.

Thank you, I think I learned how awesome this community is in the best way. I don’t know my head size, but it is smaller than most adults I’ve noticed (I’m not an adult so lol) but I do have a beanie, though it isn’t thick and padded, I can also throw in some plastic bags we always have Incase we need to pick up “waste” from our dogs in the backyard. If I keep the stretch like that on display for a few months, it should stay but fit a little looser. I guess I’ll go buy a new, thicker beanie in a little now… thank you for your kind words and advice

I’d definitely recommend stuffing it, and leaving it like that for a month or so. Let natural heating and cooling do the work.

My TOTS HII is a bit of an odd case, as it came to me with more of a stretch than I’ve seen in others. It was second hand and I think the previous owner kept it stored flat on its back.

There’s no stuffing in this pic, just a styrofoam head inside with plenty of room:

I don’t know how many years they had it lying around for though…