I just received my ToTS Kirk back that I sent to Ibnzbass4/Bill Blake for rehaul and conversion to an H1 Myers. This work is seriously amazing and at an awesome price! Easy 5/5 from me and I definitely recommend his work. But even beyond that, he went out of his way to update me on progress every day with pics and information, and would let me know when there were days work couldn’t be completed. On top of that, I initially did not request new hair when I sent it over, but had changed my mind when it was going over his way. He was happy to rehair the mask, and the hair he used is excellent.
That looks really awesome! Where can I contact Bill and how much is the price?
I contacted him on FB, but he also maintains an account here, Ibnzbass4. Have just asked him to repaint my new H40.
Thanks! I’ll see if I can contact him and get a rehauled kirk