If you had a chance to try out the role to be the next actor for Michael Myers would you?

I just started thinking about this because everyone always talks on how awsome Michael Myers was in the first two movies… I was surprised to hear anything negative about James Jude Courtney. It’s almost like everyone just goes back to the first two movies and compares all the other actors with them. But the classic sound the movies being the best in my opinion also makes the actor shine. After seeing so many insane accurate vids pictures of so many people on this forum that try and have everything accurate as can be to Myers I just wonder if there’s anyone on here that actually would try out to play as Michael if given that chance?

Negative. I dont think I could ever make my walk look good

In a heartbeat :myers: :wink:

I’m a scrawny midget at 5’4" so as much as I’d like to… no, lol.

Oh, of course. However, there is an actor out there that I would love to see tackle the role if ever another reboot (or however one wishes to define it) was to happen: Evan Peters. Perhaps I’m the only one who sees it, but something about him just screams Myers to me - I think it’s his eyes.

I’d love to do it, but I think I’m on the cusp of non-credibility at 6’3” and 220lbs. I always thought Warlock and Castle are the perfect ‘everyman’ size for Myers. As much as anything else, it’s very convenient that a hulk like Tyler Mane finds someone whose overalls and boots fit him at the first truck stop he gets to :laughing:

Definitely. My friends have even commented to me that I have the Michael Myers build and walk down to a T. But maybe in another lifetime. :sweat_smile:

I think most of us would do it in a heartbeat. I work out and would probably have to cut 15 or 20 lbs to make it work but at 5’11 I think I could make it work well. Always been the biggest fan of Castle’s portrayal and although I’ll never get that skinny I think I could do a worthy job

I totally would if he shrunk to 5”6 and had diabetes

Yes absolutely!

I would absolutely love to! I use to do acting in high school if that counts so I have a little experience. Plus I think I got the right size, 6’ 3’’ 220lbs.

Yes, as long as the script and directors are good, I wouldn’t want to be connected to a poor representation of the franchise and its’ characters.

That is very true. I would love to play his character but not in a bad film. :myers

I would like to, but the fans are so harsh to the actors… maybe if I was 2 or 3 inches taller…

How tall are you? Nick was no more then 5’ 10’’ and I am sure in the new H40 film he is shorter. Though JJC was the main Myers in the film at 6’ 3".

I’m 5’11. Good enough, I guess. I like the 6’0-6’3 Myers

Still would be perfect for the OG 78 and 81 Myers.

That’s my build also lol, JJC is 6’ 3" but he took out a group of people to find the right size coveralls :laughing:

Who wouldn’t? :confused:

Unless they’re looking for a guy like George Wilbur, probably not.