Looking for a little help from some you guys. Has any one bought an IKEA detolf case from in store? I don’t want to spend $100 dollars for shipping in a $60 item I can drive 45 mins to the store to get. My question is how they box it and if in the box it would fit in a back seat of a car? I guess anyone who may have had it shipped home could help too with the box sizing and thoughts, I just don’t want to go to the store and then have to wait to go again borrowing someone else car to fit it for the trip home.
They come in 2 boxes. Both pretty flat and prob about 5 feet long I’d say.
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Oh man good thing I asked I would never have thought 2 boxes… so as long my back seat can accommodate something 5 feet long in some fashion I should be okay then and if pretty flat as you say I’ll have to see if my back seat folds down or not. Thanks a bunch!
Yea idk if five feet on the nose but def around that.
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I was all in for ordering last night when I seen the shipping price, and was nope when I can drive right up to Pittsburgh IKEA which has 35 in stock… hopefully it’s a nice fit I can fit 2 in there. Thanks again
Yea I gotta drive an hour and and 15 min for mine but I usually buy a couple. Way better than the insane ship prices
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Just took a look my back seats fold down so look like I’m going on a trip tomrrow
Going to grab one myself on monday
I’m going to be grabbing the 4-tier one myself. Might grab two since I am going to be getting a 5th Myers mask soon.
Seen very popular. I’m for sure grabbing two, I have one already planned and the other I just ordered 3 Rob Zombie masks from ASwift creations today so in few weeks I’ll be filling up my RZ case with them.
Actually have one still in the boxes. The taller of the two is 65” so 5’5” and the widest box is 15.5” both boxes are only like and inch or 2 thick so that shouldn’t matter.
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Nice yeah got my two this morning. Was not expecting the weight of them though, I should have known better but actually got them both put together myself, only issue was the door when you insert the bottom and slide the top on… there was that little bit of a notch where the peg was on the inside , I had to take my dremel and sand it down a bit.