Just got these pics of the ol’ FEAR mask that James is playing Midas with…can’t say enough about how much better this mask looks. He’ll get hair very soon, but for now his face speaks for itself…I am diggin’ this so far, indeed!
Great stuff ! I’ve been waiting to see what James would do to a FEAR . Bet you cant wait to get that badboy back
Midas touch…!
best fear these eyes have ever seen.tommy
Thanks guys!
SickOClown, you ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie! I’m looking forward to the return of this guy, but the wait was totally worth it.
Brother K, right on!
Tommy, this is also the best Fear I have seen, even without hair!
James does amazing work. That Fear looks great done up JC style!!!
That looks so much better. Nice work, James.
Congrats, Katie. I can’t wait to see the costume pics you take once you get it back.
Wow a excellent piece of latex, i always wanted to see a Fear done up by James!
you must be very excited, congratulations in advance Katie
that does look fantastic! kinda want my fear back, hehe. congrats, man
That’s awesome! I’ve always wondered what JC could do to a FEAR mask, I’m sure he will work miracles on the hair like he already has on the face.
Thanks Katie and all you other ghouls This one will look much better tonight! And the pics are nothing special, just to give you the true look!
It will ship Saturday Katie along with several others masks
You mean you’re shipping me several other masks, too? Done deal, brotha! I’ll take a couple of knives and a stand, too, while you’re giving things away. I’m kidding, but I would provide a good home and all…
Donnie, your request shall be granted…costume shots upon arrival forthwith!
Thanks again everybody! I just wanted to show off what a Fear could look like in different hands, and because my Fear wasn’t the best of the bunch (but I think it is now ). More pics when the boy’s got hair!
looks awesome
So once you seem James work first hand think it will cause any plans to be made for your Psycho ?
Thats looking top of the pops.
wow, that looks really good!
Goodness you make me laugh T
Congrats Katie. It looks to be “SHAPE” ing up nicely
That looks awesome. Congrats on the beautifully re-done FEAR Mojo. I love the FEAR mask, I was going to have James do this to mine if I didn’t snag a production line H78 blank. I remember (GoBears) J posted a picture of his FEAR and his H78 together and they were so strinkingly similar. The new paint and way better hair James will put on will just make this mask a top notch H1. It’s a perfect top of the stairs, “You can’t kill the boogie man” look! “AHHHHH” Awesome! and perfect timing for the season thats upon us! Nice job James!
You will be blown away when you get this back mojo,I just recieved my H78 conversion back from James today and I’m still in shock. It looks even better In person than his pictures he took and that says alot!