I was in an H2 mode today, and after seeing the new KH I wanted to post some pics of some of my masks.
Post away gang!
Nice pics brosif!!!
Awsome H2 line up
Great masks Todd.
My warlock
My favorite costume pic of me-warlock
More warlock
Wow Todd! That KH/DW is as sweet as pie!
Love the new line-up Todd! Jay, really wish I still had that Warlock. Glad you’re still sporting him though.
Your not allowd to post that mask around these parts anymore…
can we consider this to be a h2 mask
Excellent pics & masks, fellas.
I’ll start it off with me wearing Chris’ (krazedkilla) Blood Tears Psycho.
Psycho '81
Well Erik, I’m just gunna throw this out there. But I’m willing to do a trade back for that KH/DW of yours, now I know what you’re thinking, I must be crazy to do that, but I’m willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to make you happy
wow some great h2s guys…
Great shots everyone…i’ve been getting into the halloween vibe too much since its coming up…heres some old H2 shots.
Sweet mask! Those original Warlocks were just amazing!
Here are a few of mine, sorry I don’t have them next to each other:
This is the closest I have to an H2.
Great masks guys. Heres mine. NAG/JC Mint 75 BLOOD TEARS
Credit goes to Curtis (ceasar015) for this picture of my soon to be Mint 75 I see A LOT of H2 in this mask!
NAG Screenused part II (painted and haired by myself)
NAG Deluxe Classic '81