Interesting Movie shot

I have the Blu Ray version of Halloween 1978. Im sure most who own the blu ray version already seen this up close but I just thought it was interesting. Some people think the hair in Halloween was a darker color black, some think it was light brown, or reddish. You be the judge. Most of the shots you see of michael in the movie are night time shots so its hard to tell. Also, is the mask in this scene the hero mask or one of the stunts, looks a little different here.

Another thing, Im not trying to be nitpicky or anything but I noticed something off in one of the scenes. When laurie runs into sheriff bracket its bright and sunny and the ground is all dry, but the very next scene when she hears the kids across the street the ground is wet like it had just rained, and then when she looks out the window its dry again. haha i know its just a movie but just thought id share if you didnt already know.

Or how about the scene where Annie & Laurie are driving to Tommy & Lyndys house to babysit & when they are driving therE its sunny, then the very next scene when they pull up to the houses its toTally dark, Then when they show Lyndys on the couch watching T.V the camara pans around her, but when it pans around her the camara guy has to walk in front of the T.V to get the shot & you can see his shadow.

that looks to me to be the hiro but not sure
and did anyone notice that that looks almost identicle to
niks H4 cover mask?

Hmmmm interesting…

It looks like the hero to me. I don’t know if Castle is wearing the mask in that scene though. You can see this color and how short the hair is in H2 as well… I’m sure you’ve seen this pic though…

Yeah i noticed that right away…does look like the cover mask.

Yeah the hair color looks the same. I love this pic btw, my favorite H2 pic. If a H2 mask is ever produced to look like that picture, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

I think the MCS Sequel and NO Lunatic pull off that look pretty well

The picture is not clear at all and when they are blown up this much colors can become distorted.

Yeah sorry I took this pic with my iphone…but even when i go upclose to my tv…the colors and the mask look exactly the same.

You aldo have to keep in mind there were stunt masks and not all of the masks were the same.

That’s definitely the Hero. Look at the hairline. the stunt masks didn’t have the same hairline.
Also, keep in mind the filters on the cameras that were used, that could explain the distorted color.

Why not play the movie on your computer and take some screen caps?

Because i dont have a blu ray drive on my computer.