basically, i’m wondering if you think it’ll be hard to find once it comes out. i wouldn’t mind pre-ordering it if i didn’t have to pay $10 extra for shipping. and i remember with the H40 mask the pre-orders didn’t even arrive until after they were already available in stores.
do you think it will be readily available in a store like Spirit Halloween or Party City? does this seem like the kind of thing that will sell out quickly?
That was a licensor problem more than a ToTS problem IIRC. Someone else who’s had experience with them may know more.
I just ended up spending $100 on the Prop Shop’s 78 knife, and it got here quickly, but I can understand people feeling iffy about that as it’s considerably pricier.
I am on the fence as well, especially knowing the shipping is $10 (hopefully a box, not an envelope…). My H2 knife from TOTS came in a nice box.
I highly doubt stores pre-ordered any of these. I’d say pre-order it if you really want it, I might as well.
EDIT: I went ahead and pre-ordered it. I can’t/won’t spend more than this on a prop knife anyways. TOTSPC saves you $2 (it’s some % off…)
You’re getting a metal plated knife that was designed by Tim Miller for only $20. That’s more than a bargain.
I think you should, I know I am, But I will mainly use it for conventions or on Halloween, mainly because people nowadays are so agitated on Halloween.
I may pick one up once I see what it looks like off the line instead of through preorder pics! I’m sure many will have them online after they ship out
People, consider that this is a knife sculpted by Tim himself
My Dirtknap Lamson is the best replica I have ever owned. JC has made some I’ve loved but this Lamson was worth every cent of the $175 I spent. Considering you are getting an exact replica of this for $20 it really is a no-brainer. A convention safe replica from the GOAT Tim himself
I’m considering pre-ordering this knife as well; however I have no idea what this means (from the TOTS website):
The Official Halloween Michael Myers Butcher Knife Prop is 18 1/4" long from hilt to point. This incredible knife is injection molded with an electro plated blade, making it look completely realistic.
Injection moulded with and electro plated blade. Can anyone put that in simple terms?
Injection molded simply means it’s made from a hard plastic. Electro plating is a process by which an object’s surface is coated in a thin layer of metal through I think a whole process of electrically charged baths and other confusing things. I’m not an expert but that’s what I’ve been told about the new TOTS knife
It will be convention safe if that is the concern. More like a resin than an actual metal but the process seems to have given the knife a reflective surface unlike their current Lamson replica. It is a steal for the price.
I thought this new tots is a replica of the w.r case & sons 102-12 and not the lamson? Correct me if I’m wrong.
If you’re poor, then it’s recommend. Cause I’m very poor and had to make due.
You can always paint and do other stuff to make it look great