Question… why does tots change the size to all their Myers masks. None are the same at all, and all the h1/H2 even h18 are essentially supposed to be the same mask just a different time.
The h40 is from the mold that was used for the movie so the size was what it was which was on the smaller side and people complained about how small it was. You can always make a larger mask fit easier then make a smaller mask fit so tots went with a larger than the h40 since people complained and wanted it to fit a wider ranger easier.
I agree with you. I personally would rather have a mask i have to add some foam padding to to make fit than not be able to use it at all because of how small it is.
Just don’t wanna look like a bobble head because mask is too big. Actually even though masks are bigger , the bigger size looks different than on true hero for h1
Justin stated it’ll be 24.5 so that’s definitely a good thing for most of us. Not crazy big but not too small for most adults like the H40 or small H2. Sculpt looks great in my eyes
Yeah man I’m excited! I did find an H40 that fit me but the size variation with those was tough. I found a lot of local copies that were closer to 23’ which was just too small. 24.5’ will be perfect and if it’s a bit too large for you, you can wear a black face mask which doubles by blacking your eyes out which is awesome. I really hope TOTS releases a large 2018 some day but I’m looking forward to this new batch of 2019 masks. I hope your copy fits you well brotha
I’m really excited for you peeps with larger noggins that you’re getting your day with this new run of masks! It makes total sense from a mass market perspective. I’ll just wear a ski mask and beanie on top of that! At least my sweat will be on my ski mask and not the latex! Lol Are the h18 masks really 23”? They look so small compared to everything else!! That knife is absolutely gorgeous btw!!
That’s the most frustrating issue for me. If a mask is too small there’s no fix but at least if it’s a tad large we can wear ski masks or something to make it fit perfect. And to be honest man the copy that fit me of the 2018 mask is close to 23.75’ but I’ve found most to be closer to 22.5’