It Came From Beneath The Floor Boards...

Just got this the other day from a guy on ebay! Its a Unearthed #4 and I have to say im pretty impressed by it! I might go as far as saying I like it better than my buried. The paint job, the hair, even the rotting looks better than my buried imo!

Very cool man. I always have liked the RZ masks no matter what my opinion on the movie

I love the mask in the first movie. Wish there were more options for it.
Cool mask.

Welcome to the Unearthed club brother haha :smiley:
Sick copy man!
The Uneartheds are freakin amazing!
Wouldn’t mind owning a second one :laughing:
Congrats! :rock:

Thanks guys for the comments! @ InGen lol thanks man. It looked cool in the pics before I bought it and now that I see it in person it is amazing.

Awesome score mate, i sold it to the guy you bought it from :wink: Very nice RZ mask indeed :smiley:

Funny because I was talking to Lewis when this was advertised on eBay…dropped my kids of at school…returned home intending to buy this mask…and noticed it was sold in the mean time,lol
Now I know who purchased it :slight_smile:)
Congrats buddy,good to know the mask went to a fellow member.
Do you mind Snaping some worn shots please :slight_smile:
Lewis’s worn shots were incredible!

Thanks Nuyts! @ DemonicForce yeah I’ll post some worns in the next few days hopefully and thanks for the comments.

Here are some worn shots! Sorry if the pics are bad. I had to use my camera on my phone!

Killer score!!! Congrats my friend

Thanks Wiseguy!

Awesome shots my friend! :rock:
Love the last one!

Thanks ingen!

Wow, I thought the Buried was a clear winner in the RZ mask category, but this mask is definitely on a par at least with the Buried’s. Congratulations man!

Extremely intimidating :slight_smile:
That last shot appears if it was taken right of the set.
Good work mate.

Great looking mask!

@dwinter thanks man. Yes I have a buried also and I have to say that the unearthed is right there with the buried if not better

@demonicforce thanks my friend I appreciate the comments

@monsterman thanks. I love it.

Awesome score! I just this thread :rolleyes: Killer shots too dude :drinkers: